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My purchased albums lost its pictures!


iPF Noob
How do I make my purchased albums return to the way it was? Unfortunately I had to plug it to a windows computer because my housemate needed a file.
I hope my files wasnt all stored in his laptop! My photos and documents and all that!

Now the albums i purchased on iTunes are blank but they are still playing! How do I make it go back to normal?

I hope my files wasnt all stored in his laptop! My photos and documents and all that!

Did you sync your friend's iTunes with your iPad? If the photo sync option was enabled during the sync, this could have send your iPad pics to his PC. Check your Photo Library on your iPad - has it changed - are there new additions? If not, I'd think that the photo sync option in your friend's iTunes was not enabled.

Go back to your iTunes and sync your iPad. This should restore back your purchased tracks as you used to know them.
I didnt see any changes in my camera roll so maybe it was not synced to his iTunes...

I liked those album arts! I guess I have to wait for a month til he is back from his country. Tsk!


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