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N.O.V.A. 3 Out Tomorrow Thursday May 10


iPadForums News Team

PocketGamer writes that Gameloft’s latest installment in its N.O.V.A. (Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance) franchise, N.O.V.A. 3, is out on Thursday. The plot of the iOS FPS sees Kal Warden coming out of hiding and returning to Earth. The game features 10 levels, kicking off on war-torn Earth as you blast your way through the streets of a futuristic San Francisco, and heading all the way to Volterites City. At your disposal you’ll have lots of lovely new weapons and powers to help you survive and thrive!

N.O.V.A. 3 also features a robust 12-player multiplayer mode, in which you get to team up and drive vehicles across six game modes and six massive maps, with 10 weapons at your disposal, as well as achievements and the ability to customize your characters. Gameloft really does seem to be taking their flagship title to the next level, as the amazing trailer at the head of this post will attest. Gameloft, you’re killing it right now on iOS!

Source: N.O.V.A. 3 blasting into the UK and US App Stores at midnight this evening | N.O.V.A. 3 news | iPad & iPhone Universal | Pocket Gamer
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