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NAS/Media Player/App combination to stream media, controlled from iPad


iPF Noob
Hello all,

I have a dream: I am on my couch, iPad 2 in hand. It is not connected to power/HDMI/USB. In front of me is my TV. I have media on a network drive elsewhere in the house. Is there a way I can get the (preferably HD) media to display on the TV, simply by using my iPad as a controller - browsing, play, pause, etc? Is there a combo of NAS/media player/app that will do this?

If not Apple, what about Android?

Any help greatly appreciated!
I think it would be possible. I have a nas drive connected to my Airport Extreme which any computer on the network can access, including my Mac Mini which is permanently connected to the TV. I thinks there are apps for the iPad/iPhone that let you control the desktop of the computer - possibly you could do similar with an Apple TV
Hello all,

I have a dream: I am on my couch, iPad 2 in hand. It is not connected to power/HDMI/USB. In front of me is my TV. I have media on a network drive elsewhere in the house. Is there a way I can get the (preferably HD) media to display on the TV, simply by using my iPad as a controller - browsing, play, pause, etc? Is there a combo of NAS/media player/app that will do this?

If not Apple, what about Android?
Any help greatly appreciated!
There isn't a "combo app" like you describe, however you can accomplish what you want if you don't mind jailbreaking an Apple TV2. Firecore's Media Player can access an NAS, etc. You'd use Apple's Remote App on your iPad to control the Apple TV2. Google "aTV Flash (black)" for more info.
I've got a mini pc on the back of my tv, running splashtop remote I can access vlc then using the vlc remote I can control playback. I can even turn on my pc remotely using WOL.
I'm also looking for a combo much alike to what 'thelongroad' is looking for. I want to browse media on my ipad and then remote control a "box" (pc,mac,mediaplayer) to play it. I know that the Itunes/apple remote for iPad will do almost exactly what me and 'thelongroad' want, but I have a lot of mkv, avi and flac-files. I'd rather not use dozens of hours converting my media. I've been looking at the Boxee box, wouldn't that do the trick?
Why is it that any dream you wish to accomplish with an iDevice requires Jailbreak?! :D

More seriously, you can also buy a TVix Media box, connect it to the tv and stream the file from your NAS/PC to the TViX then to the TV. And your TViX box will be directed from your couch using the TViX's remote, or possibly your iPad (apparently possible using the webremote app). I have a TViX box streaming from a NAS and this works great (I've not tested the webremote app, but using the TViX remote control is just fine by me).
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There isn't a "combo app" like you describe, however you can accomplish what you want if you don't mind jailbreaking an Apple TV2. Firecore's Media Player can access an NAS, etc. You'd use Apple's Remote App on your iPad to control the Apple TV2. Google "aTV Flash (black)" for more info.

I have this arrangement, mainly for occasional web browsing on TV. The Remote app on the iPad works well with this.

For some reason XBMC won't display JPEGS, I can access my NAS and see the list of files but when I try to display them, the screen goes dark and stay that way. It's not a problem with te files or even the iPad, FileBrowser has no problem with the same files for example.

I would love to get this working so any suggestions on how to fix the problem would be welcome.
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Does anybody have experience with the Boxee for Ipad app? With the Boxee Box (or their software and a computer) , it appears to do what the OP is looking for without jailbreaking. Has pretty good reviews too. If anybody has firsthand experience, it would be good to know if it does what it says. If so, I would be interested.

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