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Need a little reassurance with my Ipad 3

This is my very first Ipad. I have had android tablets since I bought the original Asus Transformer.

I liked most of the android tabs. But they were never real smooth. Always seemed to have little issues.

I got the Ipad because everyone says that it simply just "works".

I can say it does. No crashing, etc.

But what I miss is having widgets and an easy way to switch from app to app that is running in the background. I found dashboard X, but there aren't very many widgets available. And I love having a status window where I can switch from app to app.

Are these things something that I simply need to be patient with?
Are you aware that double clicking brings up a dock at the bottom to switch apps? Also if you have multitouch gestures enabled, you can bring that dock up and slide to apps running in the background with four fingers? That's pretty handy. You can get widgets on a jailbroken device through cydia. Apply certain tweaks to do that. Dreamboard can do stuff like that though most of those themes I find aren't iPad friendly

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