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Need an audio player to manage my songs from ifile


iPF Noob

I have a jails broken ipad2.
Iam able to transfer media from a flash drive to ifile.
The thing is, whenever i try to open a mp3 from ifile it is opening in the default audio player at that moment.
After closing the ifile and audio player, the track is not there in the default audio player.
I have few dozens of songs in ifile.
I want a audio player in which i can copy my mp3s and manage a playlist to play the songs sequentially.
Is there any app that suits my requirement.
Well, there is a specific location for saving your iPad music to be automatically be saved at the default iPad music player, I'll get back to you on that after I get home.
In the meantime just wait for someone else to answer, sorry.
I've been looking in the file directory over and over and I can't seem to find the folder where iTunes save the music.

So I've went to the alternative instead, try using these apps BeatBlaster or Groove 2, they are an alternative music player for the iPad. Just check it out.
I just wanted to ask, why not just sync your songs with iTunes?

when iam downloading music files on the go....they gets stored in that specific app folder.
so there are two different music folders. one-itunes, second the download manager's.
i want to play all these files as a playlist in shuffle mode.

everytime i dont want to connect to my pc and synch.
Oh I see, very well then try using Groove 2 or BeatBlaster. It is an alternative music player... Check it and update me...
Hi Allen salar,
I am using groove2. I am not satisfying with its performance. It is just importing the iTunes's synch data. It is not scanning the entire disk.
I have stored the songs in two folders. One in the documents folder of the groove2 application. And the other in /var/mobile. The groove2 is not scanning these data.

I have a Nokia n8. I used to download songs from the Internet and save randomly in the phone's internal disk. Whenever I open the music player, it refresh the music library and loads the newly copied songs from the internal memory (it'll scan the memory card too).

Is there any app similar to Nokia?
Hi Allen salar,
I am using groove2. I am not satisfying with its performance. It is just importing the iTunes's synch data. It is not scanning the entire disk.
I have stored the songs in two folders. One in the documents folder of the groove2 application. And the other in /var/mobile. The groove2 is not scanning these data.

I have a Nokia n8. I used to download songs from the Internet and save randomly in the phone's internal disk. Whenever I open the music player, it refresh the music library and loads the newly copied songs from the internal memory (it'll scan the memory card too).

Is there any app similar to Nokia?

Yes. You can make a a folder in Golden Ear from iFile, Copy all your songs from itunes folder on your computer, transfer them into your iDevice with iExplorer program. Use Safari Download manager or any downloaders, locate in iFile. The song that you just downloaded locate it in the download folder and move it into the folder you created in Golden Ear. To get your applications names to show up hit the settings on iFile (settings on ifile -> file manager -> on application names) and hit ON on application names.

To make the process easier, just make shortcuts/bookmark to the folders on iFile.

Everytime you open Golden Ear it will load up all songs that you have in that folder.

Oplayer and Buzz Player also works.

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