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Need Help changing the Music icon


iPF Noob
i have my iPad 2 exactly how i want it... almost.

i can change every icon excet the Music icon. i have tried 11 different directories and none of them work.. any ideas?

this is my theme currently

this is the icon i want to change (the orange music icon)

and this is what ive used for directories...

so far none of those worked

would love some help with this!
*** REMOVED - Incorrect advice given :) *****

See below.
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Are you using Winterboard to theme?

If so, deselect the theme you're editing and respring the iPad. Make the change to the icon as f4780y suggested and then go back into Winterboard, select your theme and respring again. That should do it ... I hope. :D

Good luck.

Sorry, that's my bad. I have been updating all my iPhone4S themes and was "in the zone".

For the iPad, the correct icon name is "icon-AudioPlayer-72.png" and it lives in "Bundles/com.apple.mobileipod" for your theme.

That should do it.
Mickey330 - just did that... Didn't work... :(

F4780y - I've tried that extension and it didn't work either :(

What the heeeckkkkkkkkk!
Sorry to OT you, but found this trying to do the same thing.

However, what is your theme called, apps icons looks lovely.
Did winterboard remove your dock, mine wont make it transparent.
Are you using Winterboard to theme?

If so, deselect the theme you're editing and respring the iPad. Make the change to the icon as f4780y suggested and then go back into Winterboard, select your theme and respring again. That should do it ... I hope. :D

Good luck.


You can just respring, no need to deselect and reselect.

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