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need help deciding

I can understand why people are torn between the two devices, but apples and oranges. The iPad was never meant to be a standalone computer. It was always meant to be a consumer device with limited ability to act without outside support. That is much of the iPad strength and weakness.

Indeed, this is what I'm grappling with. I like the iPad, and knew what I was getting into (read: no SD card, and being a limited "consumer device"). Sometimes us old guys just need to "grumble"...
...as much as anything, I'm frustrated with the industry move to the "cloud" (loss of individual control of content), and the current instability of the market as touch-screens become the norm.
My take on the Android units is that they cannot compete in the areas that the iPad excels in, so they try to do what the iPad doesn't, to attract those who are unhappy with the restrictions. Apple is a closed system, Android claims to be open, but in some ways is just as closed. The iPad uses a 4:3 screen, Android uses 9:16. Apple does not allow numerous ports like USB or SD card, so the Android units do. The problem for the Android units, is that there are reasons for what Apple chose for the iPad to have. Like with Flash, the Android units have issues with trying to be different from the iPad.

The iPad is not mandatory to have. It is popular, but every new device that proves successful has its lifetime. At one time, desktops were the only thing to have. Then Apple made laptops to where the genre evolved into where they could replace desktops in most applications. Now tablets are set to become the new thing. It does not mean that the desktop or laptop are in danger of obsolescence. It just means that they have peaked. We could see a future device that can fulfill all three roles in the future. Imagine a tablet that is the size of the iPad, but can be pulled out on the sides and set on a keyboard to become a 15" monitor on a laptop. The keyboard unit would have the connections and storage missing on a tablet.
Seadog said:
My take on the Android units is that they cannot compete in the areas that the iPad excels in, so they try to do what the iPad doesn't, to attract those who are unhappy with the restrictions. Apple is a closed system, Android claims to be open, but in some ways is just as closed. The iPad uses a 4:3 screen, Android uses 9:16. Apple does not allow numerous ports like USB or SD card, so the Android units do. The problem for the Android units, is that there are reasons for what Apple chose for the iPad to have. Like with Flash, the Android units have issues with trying to be different from the iPad.

The iPad is not mandatory to have. It is popular, but every new device that proves successful has its lifetime. At one time, desktops were the only thing to have. Then Apple made laptops to where the genre evolved into where they could replace desktops in most applications. Now tablets are set to become the new thing. It does not mean that the desktop or laptop are in danger of obsolescence. It just means that they have peaked. We could see a future device that can fulfill all three roles in the future. Imagine a tablet that is the size of the iPad, but can be pulled out on the sides and set on a keyboard to become a 15" monitor on a laptop. The keyboard unit would have the connections and storage missing on a tablet.

Or something like this.....http://www.maclife.com/article/news/apple_patent_details_possible_imac_dock_tablet_accessory

The Archangel
I find the people who think the iPad is too restrictive to be frustrating. They want a consumer device to be more than that. Do we expect a television set, or a stereo receiver to be a more open device? I can understand why people are torn between the two devices, but apples and oranges. The iPad was never meant to be a standalone computer. It was always meant to be a consumer device with limited ability to act without outside support. That is much of the iPad strength and weakness.

It isn't any 'type' of device. It is a product. A company makes a product, and us customers decide if it fits our needs or desires.... It is entirely reasonable for customers to point out areas it does not meet what we want it to do, especially when such things are relatively simple, and other products offer it....in short, companies work for us to provide services...we do not work for them. It is their job to dance and be useful to us, not ours to come to terms and settle to throw our money at them. People like me are trying to find the virtues of their products, but the bottom line is, if it does not meet my needs, I am returning it,and they can cry about it. It isn't as if they do not have enough profit as a company.....we all know apple has enough money to pay off the US national debt. So it is time they start worrying less about making more money off of us, and giving us a product that addresses our preferences.
Shylock said:
It isn't any 'type' of device. It is a product. A company makes a product, and us customers decide if it fits our needs or desires.... It is entirely reasonable for customers to point out areas it does not meet what we want it to do, especially when such things are relatively simple, and other products offer it....in short, companies work for us to provide services...we do not work for them. It is their job to dance and be useful to us, not ours to come to terms and settle to throw our money at them. People like me are trying to find the virtues of their products, but the bottom line is, if it does not meet my needs, I am returning it,and they can cry about it. It isn't as if they do not have enough profit as a company.....we all know apple has enough money to pay off the US national debt. So it is time they start worrying less about making more money off of us, and giving us a product that addresses our preferences.

Hi Shylock,

You might want to put your views on this form http://www.apple.com/feedback/ipad.html

Regardless of whether others agree with you or not it's better that you give your views to Apple, yours might be the request that tips the balance but if you don't give your feedback then you'll never know.

The Archangel
The iPad is very nice, but the one thing that really bothers me is lack of SD card support, since I don't always have WiFi and cellular data costs are insane. The lack of SD card really bothers me. Really!

It is such a nice device otherwise, but if Apple retains their "tyranny", I'll go with Windows 8 next time. Can't stand Google or Java-like platforms, so never really considered Android (or ChromeBooks).

Amazing....not having to fiddle with SD cards is a benefit, IMO. One man's garbage is another man's ..... :)
It isn't any 'type' of device. It is a product. A company makes a product, and us customers decide if it fits our needs or desires.... It is entirely reasonable for customers to point out areas it does not meet what we want it to do, especially when such things are relatively simple, and other products offer it....in short, companies work for us to provide services...we do not work for them. It is their job to dance and be useful to us, not ours to come to terms and settle to throw our money at them. People like me are trying to find the virtues of their products, but the bottom line is, if it does not meet my needs, I am returning it,and they can cry about it. It isn't as if they do not have enough profit as a company.....we all know apple has enough money to pay off the US national debt. So it is time they start worrying less about making more money off of us, and giving us a product that addresses our preferences.

If you don't like their product, don't buy it. That is how you express your desires. That sends signals big time to companies. But your voice alone is not enough, either. As you can see, millions are buying apple product even though they have a restrictive OS and no SD slots (I'm sorry, but I just don't find these things to be big problems, I get around all of them), and its not slowing things down a bit. Heck, you should be happy apple is how they are, because that creates an opportunity for other companies to offer products to fill the gaps -- a good thing I would think, yet people howl about how apple is anti-competitive....so weird.... I have an Android right here that is loaded with slots (mini-usb, hdmi, host usb), but I still prefer to grab my iPad. I bought the Android just so I could add stuff to it...I even put a 16GB digital archive on the 32 GB internal SD card and I have another tiny usb stick in the external usb slot. The thing has the ability to support full USB so I can load 750 TB drives on it...the storage is virutally unlimited.....but I still prefer my iPad. I'm waiting for ICS to be released for it though...hopefully, my investment will pay off. Otherwise, I'll get the next version of the Asus Prime.
I had an Acer Iconia A500 tablet until I got the new iPad. I NEVER used the SD card slot and barely used the USB on it, so I don't miss either of them now. Chances are, most people don't care about either, otherwise iPads wouldn't sell that well.

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