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Need help transferring video's to iPad Mini


iPF Noob
Hey Guys. I am trying to transfer .mov video files or even MP3 files using iTunes 11.05.

Every time I try it gives me an error message saying it was not copied because it can't be played on the iPad?

Any suggestions on why this is happening? Any help would be really appreciated!

Attached is a screenshot.
Screen Shot 2013-09-16 at 10.51.59 PM.webp
Hi Eldan - welcome to the forum! :) Not sure that I can provide an immediate answer to your problem but a few questions may help: 1) How are you trying to transfer these audio/video files (both are compatible w/ the iPad), i.e. via cabled to a computer w/ iTunes or other? and 2) Have you re-booted your computer and your iPad (the latter w/ a 'Reset' using the On-Off & Home buttons together). Try the latter and let us know your response to my first question and hopefully your problem can be solved - good luck! Dave
Thank you!!!! I am connecting it through a USB cable in iTunes 11.05(latest version) I will try rebooting it and see if that solves the issue. Will post feedback on that!
Thank you!!!! I am connecting it through a USB cable in iTunes 11.05(latest version) I will try rebooting it and see if that solves the issue. Will post feedback on that!

Hi Eldan.
I fund it easy and convenient to convert the MOV to MP4 and then
Hi Eldan.
I found it easy and convenient to convert the MOV to MP4 and then

Sorry Eldan I disconnected suddenly.

So on your PC convert the MOV to MP4 open iTunes, connect the iPad. Click on "On this iPad" and open the Movies/Videos section.
If iTunes is happy with the MP4 you can now drag and drop the MP4 into the Movies/Video section.
Hi Eldan.
I fund it easy and convenient to convert the MOV to MP4 and then

Sorry Eldan, I am not getting things right so I will try again.

I convert the MOV to MP4.
Open iTunes on your PC.
Plug in iPad.
Open "On this iPad"
Look for "On this iPad" and open it.
Open the Video/Movie bit and then drag the MP4 in.
It may stall for a few seconds, so wait.
Maybe that is what you want?
Hi Eldan.
I find it easy and convenient to convert the MOV to MP4 and then

On the PC convert the MOV to MP4.
Open iTunes on your PC.
Plug in the iPad.
Open "On this iPad"
Open the Movies bit.
Drag and drop the MP4 into the Movies/Video.
It may stall for a few seconds but usually works.
On the PC convert the MOV to MP4.
Open iTunes on your PC.
Plug in the iPad.
Open "On this iPad"
Open the Movies bit.
Drag and drop the MP4 into the Movies/Video.
It may stall for a few seconds but usually works.

Hey! Thank you for for your help! That is exactly what I did! I downloaded an application called "Handbreak" on my mac and converted those files into MP4 and it worked seamlessly! Thank you !!!!!:)
Hey! Thank you for for your help! That is exactly what I did! I downloaded an application called "Handbreak" on my mac and converted those files into MP4 and it worked seamlessly! Thank you !!!!!:)

Hi Eldon!
Good work!

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