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Need more mail folders

If your account is IMAP or Exchange, you can create extra folders on the server using the website or computer client (make sure they are on the server not local if you use the computer). They will automatically sync with Mail.

For POP accounts there is currently no way to create folders on or for the iPad in Mail.

There is a third party email clint called ibisMail that will create local folders on the iPad. I have not experience with it, so do some research before buying if you go that route. Hold in mind it will not work as the default email program, so you'll still need Mail set up with at least one account so that you can email stuff from other apps.
Is it something apple would update if it was posted on a specific thread or even their website?? I use POP and dont want to use other mail apps as well i just want it at the end of one button not three or four.... :)
The poet is right. The POP protocol is a legacy standard dating from the origins of the Internet. IMAP - a newer protocol - is now widely implemented and there are no real advantages to using POP. Why not just switch to IMAP? It only takes a couple of minutes and there's no additional apps etc required. Just a couple of minutes in the iPad's 'Settings', 'Mail, Contacts, Calendar', 'Accounts' section.....

Is it something apple would update if it was posted on a specific thread or even their website?? I use POP and dont want to use other mail apps as well i just want it at the end of one button not three or four.... :)

get a Gmail account and forward your POP mail to your gmail account.


what gmail looks like on the iPad.


setup gmail on ipad.
iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Gmail Help
having a gmail account does so much for your device, not just email.

calendar, notes, mail, contacts....over the air syncing for a few apps.

options always beat no options.....
I've read it somewhere that the upcoming os version 5 will have folder options.

It seems likely that IMAP folder creation will be supported, but I'm not confident it will support POP folders, since these would have to be stored locally on the iPad.
What I want in a mail app

I've read it somewhere that the upcoming os version 5 will have folder options.

It seems likely that IMAP folder creation will be supported, but I'm not confident it will support POP folders, since these would have to be stored locally on the iPad.

But that is exactly what I want .. POP mail, create folders, store on this 64gig iPad. Oh and filtering would be nice too.

I don't want imap because I want to be able to save old mail after it has been deleted from the server AND because there are folders on my SpamCop server I never want to see from the iPad, especially the held mail folder, which is the spam trap. Actually, I can eyeball the folder in Safari and mass delete when I have checked it.

Can ibis mail do all or some of this?

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All I know about ibisMail is what I've read in the App Store description and some half remembered articles. Older articles (2009) said it was not ready, newer ones are more positive. You can Google for articles, but be sure to check their pub date so you know you are learning about the latests version.

Since I don't use the app myself my opinion is all second hand, and you'll have a better idea if the feature list meets your needs than I will.

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