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Need Suggestions: If you were on a desert island, what 3 games....

NYC Adam

iPF Noob
OK folks, need the real game junkies help here. In the market for a new one or two - don't care about price. Finished Angry Birds, playing World of Goo, Infinity Blade, addicted (seriously) to Tilt To Live HD, played a myriad of others. Played and did NOT like Island HD (boring), could do without games where advancement is super slow unless you make an in-app purchase, have a poker game I go back to frequently. Not a sports nut, don’t really want a racing game.

I guess I am looking for a good puzzle/RPG/Action or any combination thereof. Don’t like corny, don’t want repetitiveness, would like to have to figure things out ala Myst, Peggle - even Tomb Raider where you have to figure out how to move on. Don’t want a hidden object game – zzzzzz.

And don't want any games where I have to beg all of you to become my friend in the game...

Any thoughts/ideas? Continually navigate the store but come up short. If you were on a desert Island and could only bring three games…
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Games I would choose:
European War 2, similar to risk, but integrated into European world war history and with more options as risk.
The Settlers. It is a direct clone of the PC Settlers 4 Gold Edition
RealRacing 2 HD, or Asphalt 6

You mentioned no racing games and I ain't a racing game fan either. It's just that a racing game on the iPad is way more fun on then on a PC, because the screen tilts as you drive around corners, that makes a huge difference in creating a good atmosphere.
Thanks to both of you. I actually after saying in my post price was not an object went to town on the EA Easter weekend sale. Dead Space, Scrabble, Reckless Racing and Max & the Magic Marker. And just a day before my I posted, I bought Beyond YNTH HD which is turing out to be a great find. I am going to keep your suggestions as I have ADD like the rest of the world and should burn through these pretty quickly. Thanks again, and keep em coming.

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