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Need to create signable docs


iPF Noob
Hi all

I need to be able to create bespoke documents, both text and spreadsheet, on my iPad, and then have the customer/supplier etc whack their signature on the bottom.
I've tried iConfirm but that doesn't really cut it.

What's the best app(s) or general workflow I can get to do this? The more functionality and freedom the better.

I don't think it is possible to have sign-able word documents. The only solution is to convert them to PDF and than have the costumer sign that PdF file.

SignMyPad is getting good reviews for that purpose.

But let's say you have a .doc and want to have that signed, than your workflow would be as follows:

-open the .doc in Pages
-tap on the right pointing arrow in pages and select Email document
-choose PDF and send it to your email
-open the email and choose Open in...
-select SignMyPad
-the PDF opens in SignMyPad and is ready to be signed.
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