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Need to lock just the "Settings App" only


iPF Noob
We use our iPad for in-store training and display purposes. It's locked into a security device and for the most part we are with it. However we need the freedom to allow consumers to freely use our home page apps for when we are not standing there etc.

My IT department will not allow us to have the auto lockout to "Never" setting for fear that someone could access our exchange email. I know we can just turn off the account, but I think to convince them of additional security I was wondering if the was a some security app available or ? that would lock just the "Settings App"?

I am surprised this does not come with the device being it's so commonly used for public use applications.

Any help here is appreciated


Welcome to the forum! There are a lot of great people here willing to lend a hand anytime. Often using the search box (in the toolbar at the top right-hand side of every page) will lead you to the answers you're looking for. If not, feel free to post a question in the appropriate area.

Please take a moment to view the information linked below my signature to get the most out of your iPad as well as our forum.

BTW, I moved your post to the iPad Help area where you’re likely to get a better response to your question.

Welcome again and enjoy!

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