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Netflix and 4.2


iPF Noob
Have any Netflix users noticed problems after updating to 4.2? I have been getting freezes that I never saw before today. Before I would occasionally get booted from what I am watching and sent back to the main Netflix browser, but this is different. I will be watching something at what I would consider the best quality I can get from Netflix when suddenly the video freezes completely. Sometimes the timer keeps ticking away like the show is still playing but the picture is completely frozen. If I click the "done" button I am sent back to the Netflix app at which time I can restart. I have been getting this freeze about once every 5-10 minutes of video. Perhaps Netflix is just having a bad day, but I was curious if anyone else has seen this.
Nope. Running just fine. They put out an pday last week I believe. Make sure you are using the current version of the app. If that doesn't work try remove and redownload from the AppStore.
Working fine for me. In fact last night after upgrading to 4.2.1 I was watching Netflix on my Roku when the show started stuttering. I decided that was a good time to try the new iOS. I watched several shows on the iPad without a single issue. Very nice as that was one app I was worried about.
I'll just assume Netflix was having issues for now. I ran a quick speed test when I was having the issues and my download speed was 6.4 Mbps so I don't think it is a ISP problem.

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