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New Apple user - New iPad Air owner, need help with Windows - large file transfer to


iPF Noob
Hello all, I am a windows 8 user, and my wife bought me this beautiful ipad air, wifi only, for xmas. love it. but it is not playing nice while usb connected to my dell xps laptop. i have about 100 epub books i downloaded onto my dell laptop. i want to transfer them to the ipad, but i get connectivity issues with itunes on the windows laptop, and i am also having troubel with ibooks, i want to have my selections broken down into fiction/non-fiction

anyone able to assist?

many thanks
OK. Be sure you are using the newest version of iTunes on your PC.
Connect the cable between the PC and iPA. iTunes should start up. If not, start it up.
There are some display options for iTunes. The iPad is either in the left sidebar, or on the right side of the top, above the main window. These options are controlled in the iTunes 'View' menu.
Click on the iPA. If you have a WiFi in your home, on the first Summary option menu on the main window, you can select 'Sync this iPad over Wi-Fi.' That might help your connectivity. You set up the Wi-Fi in system preferences so that the iPA can see your Wi-Fi Net.
Find your eBooks folder(s). In iTunes, select 'Add to Library.' (You can either copy media into the actual iTunes Library, or just link to it. I prefer linking, so I don't make duplicates of everything. This is an iTunes Preference.)
Add the eBooks to iTunes.
In iTunes, on the iPA main window, click 'Books.' Your eBooks should be listed in the first section of Books, with Audio-books below. Put a checkmark on the books you want to go to the iPA. Click 'Sync.'
iTunes will back up purchases first. Then sync. You can watch the activity in the player controller at the top. When it is finished. it will just show an icon or some music title. You can check the iPA while it is plugged in, but be sure to click the EJECT symbol near the iPA name before you unplug it.
The eBooks will appear in the iBooks App. In 'Collections,' make categories for the kinds of eBooks you want: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Sci-Fi, Comedy, etc. by clicking the + New Collection at the bottom of 'Collections.'
At the top of 'Collections' tap 'Books.' Tap 'Edit' They are wiggling. Tap all the books of one genre. The MOVE and Delete words will light up when you tap the first one.
Be sure not to hit DELETE!
Tap MOVE and select the genre you prefer.
Repeat for each genre.
In 'Collections' you can tap the genre and see all the books within.

I hope this works for you.
Good luck.
OK. Be sure you are using the newest version of iTunes on your PC.
Connect the cable between the PC and iPA. iTunes should start up. If not, start it up.
There are some display options for iTunes. The iPad is either in the left sidebar, or on the right side of the top, above the main window. These options are controlled in the iTunes 'View' menu.
Click on the iPA. If you have a WiFi in your home, on the first Summary option menu on the main window, you can select 'Sync this iPad over Wi-Fi.' That might help your connectivity. You set up the Wi-Fi in system preferences so that the iPA can see your Wi-Fi Net.
Find your eBooks folder(s). In iTunes, select 'Add to Library.' (You can either copy media into the actual iTunes Library, or just link to it. I prefer linking, so I don't make duplicates of everything. This is an iTunes Preference.)
Add the eBooks to iTunes.
In iTunes, on the iPA main window, click 'Books.' Your eBooks should be listed in the first section of Books, with Audio-books below. Put a checkmark on the books you want to go to the iPA. Click 'Sync.'
iTunes will back up purchases first. Then sync. You can watch the activity in the player controller at the top. When it is finished. it will just show an icon or some music title. You can check the iPA while it is plugged in, but be sure to click the EJECT symbol near the iPA name before you unplug it.
The eBooks will appear in the iBooks App. In 'Collections,' make categories for the kinds of eBooks you want: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Sci-Fi, Comedy, etc. by clicking the + New Collection at the bottom of 'Collections.'
At the top of 'Collections' tap 'Books.' Tap 'Edit' They are wiggling. Tap all the books of one genre. The MOVE and Delete words will light up when you tap the first one.
Be sure not to hit DELETE!
Tap MOVE and select the genre you prefer.
Repeat for each genre.
In 'Collections' you can tap the genre and see all the books within.

I hope this works for you.
Good luck.

It does, very much so thank you. My gripe is, 1) I went to Apple store last night, and the geek who helped me had no clue how to achieve my goal of mass transfer if not through itunes...i stumped him, and that is sad that the employees, faced with no itunes option, are stumped. 2) I want to mass transfer so that I do not have to click 100+ times becuase that's how many books i plan to transfer, half are fiction, half are non fiction...shouldnt there be an easier way, through itunes, to add these books into subfolders, without having to click each title individually? that seems a little ridiculous.

but thank you for your tips above, i will attempt this.
It is simple.
In iTunes use 'Add to Library' and add the entire folder at once.
Connect the iPad. In the iPad window from within iTunes, click 'Books.' Click 'Sync Books.
You will see two options: Sync all books & Sync selected books.
Click 'Sync All Books'
At the bottom look for the main sync button. Click it.

The books options won't appear until you attach the iPad.
If you're having serious issues, just get a free dropbox account, and then setup the app on your iPad and load all your epubs through your dropbox and open on your iPad. Problem solved.

The only *Moderator Edit -- Please watch the language* part is that books will be available as long as you have wifi connection otherwise SOL.

The next option would be to buy a MacBook. Once you go Mac, PC is whack.

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