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New business, new apps


iPF Noob
Good night,

My name is Jeroen and I will start within one month now and my own business. Now I like to work and study on the iPad, and I'm looking for some apps that I can not easily find.
These are the following:
(1) an app for Google Analytics. I heard that Google Analytics HD is very good?
(2) an app where I can mind mapping. I need to write down ideas, SWOT etc wit the customer. iThoughts seems a good one?
(3) an app where I can keep my business finances. It does not matter that I need to enter it myself. It's like me all results in finance and have an app.
(4) an app that I tasks, projects and the like can join. The idea is that I have my projects and services to be carried on.
(5) remaining undiscovered apps that can help me with my own company..

Jeroen Meertens
Hello Jeronimo! I am surprised that you had not gotten any replies to your request for assistance. So that the thread has a little more life, I'm replying.

I have no suggestions I can offer regarding your #1, or #2. However, I can comment on #3..."an app where I can keep my business finances...." I use Numbers from Apple. It costs US$9.99. I use this app to keep track of my mileage, expenses, income related to my small apartment business. I can send a file to my tax accountant and he can pull it up into his MS Excel and plug in my data into his tax preparation software.

Get the Appshopper. It is a really good app that helps you find a variety of apps that you might find useful. #4 on your list above suggests to me that you would like a project management app that will help you manage your time related to projects.

AppShopper will also help you find 'undiscovered' apps. #5 of your list seems a bit esoteric and vague...if you can be more specific, you'll get more replies?
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Hi Jeronimo,

Have you considered using those apps that are available on your PC or MAC and a remote desktop application on your iPad? This way, you can have a much more powerful Client/Server environment with virtually unlimited processing power for your business.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm a big proponent of VNC. VNC server is included in every edition of Mac OS X and I use VNC Server Free Edition on all of the Windows PCs (Dad's, Mom's, Sister's, etc) I need remote access to.

I use iTeleport on my iPad to connect and see the desktop as if I am in front of the PC. Since this is a true mirror of the remote desktop, no other apps are necessary on the iPad. Now when my Dad loses a file or can't seem to get out of an application, iTeleport lets me fix it immediately, no matter where I am. Not to mention the time and gas savings paid for iTeleport the first time I used it.

Just my $.02. Hope this helps.
Hi Jeroen,
I also use my iPad for business and one of my fave apps is the mind mapping one called SimpleMind+. I got the free version which I loved using so much I paid a very small amount to upgrade for a few more features. It looks great, and is fantastic for capturing those ideas when they come! I would also like something for google analytics, so I'll look out for the replies to your post. Good luck in finding what you need.
We haveTotal Recall and Mindjet as well as SimpleMind+

haven't found a good Spreadsheet (cheap or free) yet. Didn't go with Apple's "Numbers"(?) as it had a number of bad reviews (but each to their own - it probably suits many users).

Home Budget or Easy Books for accounting. OK for is anyway.
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Wait a minute and take a break. Re-think of you business steps in your brain and make sure how you want to sell it on the market. Sincerely, marketing an App is not easier than making it.

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