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New from NC


iPF Noob
Hello Forum Members, new from Hickory, North Carolina.... just got my I-pad wednesday. . . still sync things from my computer to it.

I couldn't figure out two things, first I'm on a PC platform...

and couldn't figure out how to get my PDF files into my ipad.
and couldn't figure out how to get my photos in either. I

I did go to I-tunes and tried to put my photos in there, but it would not work.
Is there a size requirement on photos?

As far as PDF's, the first thing you need is an app to read them and there are several choices out there.

iBooks is Apple's free app that is used primarily for purchasing and reading books sold by Apple through the iBook Store, but it also includes the ability to read PDF's You simply copy and paste your PDF into iTunes then sync your iPad and there they are!

The most popular reading app (so far!) is called GoodReader and it reads several formats, including, of course, PDF's. Its not free, but pretty close to free at 99¢. A couple of nice things about it is that you can store your files off site on one of those "clouds" like DropBox or Box.net and as long as you are connected, 3g or WiFi, you have access to your files. Also, it is even easier to get files into GoodReader than it is with Apple's own iBooks. You still have to connect your iPad to iTunes, but you can copy and paste your files directly into GoodReader without having to mess with the whole (sometimes time consuming) sync process.

As far as pictures, you can also do this through iTunes by selecting the Photos tab and selecting the folder(s) where you have your pictures after you connect your iPad.

Clear as mud, eh?
Thanks for the welcome

Thanks for the welcome, also thanks for the information.... I tried to put pictures in my I tunes, and there is no place or no picture tab....

I will try the apps you recommenced for the pdf files... thanks...

is that a Siberian Husky you have? we have two of them . . . love the dogs

Rose Mary
Thanks for the welcome, also thanks for the information.... I tried to put pictures in my I tunes, and there is no place or no picture tab....

I will try the apps you recommenced for the pdf files... thanks...

is that a Siberian Husky you have? we have two of them . . . love the dogs

Rose Mary

Hi Mary, welcome!

I hope they do something about iTunes. It is not at the same level of ease-of-use as out wonderful iGaddgets.

First connect your iPad, then click on your iPad under devices on the left window in iTunes, then you will see a Photos tab 'under' your iPad - on the right of that screen in iTunes.
The "puppy" in the picture was Kodiak. He died about 2 years ago just before Thanksgiving at almost 15 years old. He was a Malamute/Husky mix.

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