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New iPad app will help revolutionize autistic children therapy


Editor in Chief

The iPad has been implemented into the health sector helping doctors and nurses offer better services to people seeking medical attention. Australian researches have shown an interest towards harnessing the pro-active qualities of the iPad and have developed a tablet app destined to help parents with autistic children.

The app is called TOBY Playpad and translates as Therapy Outcomes by You and was created in order to help parents provide in-home therapy for their child when diagnosed with an autistic disorder.

“Starting therapy as soon as possible after diagnosis is critical to the long-term development of autistic children. However, many families face waiting lists of up to a year before getting their children into an intervention program. This where the TOBY Playpad can step in,†said Professor Svetha Venkathesh of Deakin University, who was in charge of the team working on the app.

Typically a child who suffers from autism will need about 30 hours of therapy weekly. Just the preparation of the materials needed for the children, will cost the parents another 30 hours of hard work and research. But Toby Playpad resolves the issue and comes packed with a host of interesting lessons that parents can adjust and customize for the child’s unique preferences. The app is structured around 50 skills, like finding the right match for a particular sock. So far, the app is destined for children age 2 to 6 but more age groups will be added as soon as the app gains popularity. The app comes for $100 and is available and can be purchased via the app’s official site.

By Radu

Source: The Research behind TOBY Playpad | TOBY Playpad – Accelerated learning for children with Autism
This is great news for our children with Austism. The cost for this app is reasonable when you consider the 60 hours combined of therapy intervention and research involved to establish a plan of care for a child with special needs. Typically one therapy visit in ther USA would cost a patient ~ 150$ or more with insurance coverage in place. The Toby Playpad would be a wonderful home program and great extension of what the parents can do with their child and with outpatient rehab!

Glad to see this! :)
My 11yo son has autism. He was fortunate enough to start therapy right away, here the starting age for eligibility is 18mos and waiting that 18mos was very hard, I knew he needed help but there were rules & such, but knowing days and months were passing without intervention & therapy was difficult to watch as a parent. Indeed, the earlier the better!
He had home based daily therapy until age 3, then went to a special preschool everyday all year for 2 years until he turned 5 and went to regular school with inclusive therapy(his own at his side teacher in every class). He did well until 3rd grade, then it seemed as if they moved so fast in each subject that his coping behaviors for being overwhelmed and uncomfortable got in the way(rocking & humming, holding his hands under running water, taking his shoes off and rubbing the bottom of his feet) that he just struggled. We tried to find a way to keep him on track and with the class, but it just wasn't working and he had pretty bad anxiety last year in 5th grade.
So we homeschool him now and he is doing super!

Long story short, anything that can help these kids is a good thing! He doesn't have an iPad, he has a touch but we use it for homeschool and as his private device after school hours. He loves it and I love that apple stuff is so intuitive. I am glad to see new stuff like this come out.
My 11yo son has autism. He was fortunate enough to start therapy right away, here the starting age for eligibility is 18mos and waiting that 18mos was very hard, I knew he needed help but there were rules & such, but knowing days and months were passing without intervention & therapy was difficult to watch as a parent. Indeed, the earlier the better!
He had home based daily therapy until age 3, then went to a special preschool everyday all year for 2 years until he turned 5 and went to regular school with inclusive therapy(his own at his side teacher in every class). He did well until 3rd grade, then it seemed as if they moved so fast in each subject that his coping behaviors for being overwhelmed and uncomfortable got in the way(rocking & humming, holding his hands under running water, taking his shoes off and rubbing the bottom of his feet) that he just struggled. We tried to find a way to keep him on track and with the class, but it just wasn't working and he had pretty bad anxiety last year in 5th grade.
So we homeschool him now and he is doing super!

Long story short, anything that can help these kids is a good thing! He doesn't have an iPad, he has a touch but we use it for homeschool and as his private device after school hours. He loves it and I love that apple stuff is so intuitive. I am glad to see new stuff like this come out.

That's great, to here Nakedbabytoes! So happy to here that home schooling has helped him. Have you looked at this thread regarding apps for children with autism?


Have a look at this one and similiar discussion over at our Special Needs and Health Forum:

Special Needs iPad Forum

iPad for Health Forum

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