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New iPad owner in distress. Photos, file browsing, ftp)


iPF Noob
Hi all.

First, thanks for a great forum with plenty of information. However, I was unable to find what I hoped someone had already discussed.

I was given an iPad together with a camera connection kit for backing up - and sending photos home to HQ for further, immediate processing. (I think someone should have done a bit of research!)

I import photos into the viewer without issues. Shows up as raw+jpg - all good here.

I can attach the iPad to my computer and be able to retrieve the RAWs and JPGs, just as I normally import from my camera.

Here comes my question/issue:
I would like to send a high amount of RAW photos from my iPad to HQ servers through SFTP or WebDAV. I need it to be the RAWs, not app-altered JPGs.
Preferably I'd have them all compressed in a package, like zip or rar, however, I was also unable to find proper apps able to do this, and I'd have the same local file storage browsing issue as the below...

I went to the AppStore and got myself a few FTP apps, just to discover how they did not meet my requirements.

I cannot get a proper view of the local file storage of the iPad - as in, whenever I want to upload a photo, it'll go through the Library, and I am unable to ship off the RAWs to the HQ server through SFTP... some of the apps even mess up the JPGs trying to do compression. The same thing goes for WebDAV applications.

Is the above scenario completely not doable on the iPad, or did I just get the wrong applications?

I hope you can understand what I'm trying to do - else please ask and I'll try to provide more info.

Thanks in advance.
Its going to be very difficult to do just because the iPad does not have an open file system. So as far as compressing and sending you are going to be pretty limited. The iPad was really designed as an extension of your computer not a replacement so...... I haven't really helped you any :) But it sounds like you need a MacBook Air!
Cheers for the reply Dannyboy.

I suspected as much.
Not time for the good ol' macbook to retire just yet then...

Well, it makes a great viewer and an excellent couch surfing device :)
There's too many of these threads and they all end with "you can't do that because the iPad is..." A revolutionary device? It's not because iPad was meant to be an extension of your computer, it's because Apple doesn't get it.

Jailbreak your iPad. iFile has a built in file server.
There's too many of these threads and they all end with "you can't do that because the iPad is..." A revolutionary device? It's not because iPad was meant to be an extension of your computer, it's because Apple doesn't get it.

Jailbreak your iPad. iFile has a built in file server.

It all boils down to doing your research before you buy. Apple has managed to make it appeal to millions of users so to say they haven't got it...isn't quite a correct statement.:D
Cheers for the reply Dannyboy.

I suspected as much.
Not time for the good ol' macbook to retire just yet then...

Well, it makes a great viewer and an excellent couch surfing device :)

Did you check out goodreader? It's fairly robust and may do some of what you want plus it's only $1.99.
It's not because iPad was meant to be an extension of your computer, it's because Apple doesn't get it.

Let's see...

Apple's net worth currently stands at around $222 BILLLION which is even greater than Microsoft's net worth of a paltry $219 billion. Apple's net worth is even greater than the GDP of the entire country of Ireland!

As a shareholder of AAPL stock, I would have to say that maybe YOU are the one who doesn't "get it"!
It's not because iPad was meant to be an extension of your computer, it's because Apple doesn't get it.

Let's see...

Apple's net worth currently stands at around $222 BILLLION which is even greater than Microsoft's net worth of a paltry $219 billion. Apple's net worth is even greater than the GDP of the entire country of Ireland!

As a shareholder of AAPL stock, I would have to say that maybe YOU are the one who doesn't "get it"!

Look, you're mods. You know how many of these threads are created every day (the ones that end with "you can't do that on iPad"). You're telling me since Apple's net worth is $222 BILLION that WE ARE the ones who don't get it? I don't understand the logic. How does net worth justify limiting basic computing needs and closing off the file system?

Do millions of users worldwide jailbreak their iPhones/iPads because Apple makes so much money, or could it be because the iphone and ipad can't perform simple tasks like uploading files to the internet?
My point is that if Apple didn't "get it" and is so out of touch with what "average" consumers want, they would not be in the financial position they are in at the moment. Just because an iPad won't do what you want it to do, this does not mean the entire company is out of touch with reality. With all due respect, you just have unrealistic expectations for this product based on what you think it should be or what you would like it to be.

The iPad was designed to be a mobile consumption device... for consuming content primarily from Apple! It was not designed to compete with full-featured laptops or netbooks.

Sure, there's lots of post that end with, "You can't do that on an iPad.", but if you look in the Hacking section, there are A LOT of people that can't handle the responsibility of maintaining a jailbroken iPad. This is specifically why the iPad is a "closed" system. It was designed for "average" people with little or no computer skills.

And I have said this many times before but I am still waiting for an answer. The iPad's "limitations" are well known, but yet you bought one knowing that there was no native access to the file system, no Flash, no USB port, etc. So knowing this, and if those features are so important to you, why did you buy an iPad?
With all due respect, you just have unrealistic expectations for this product based on what you think it should be or what you would like it to be.
It's unrealistic to expect the iPad to name, organize and upload your pictures? As if the technology is light years away..

The iPad was designed to be a mobile consumption device... for consuming content primarily from Apple!.
I would argue this is where Apple has fallen out of touch. Greedy move. And Android is capitalizing on it.

Sure, there's lots of post that end with, "You can't do that on an iPad.", but if you look in the Hacking section, there are A LOT of people that can't handle the responsibility of maintaining a jailbroken iPad. This is specifically why the iPad is a "closed" system. It was designed for "average" people with little or no computer skills.
A hack and an official release are two different things. People would not have to risk jailbreaking if Apple would listen to their customers.

And I have said this many times before but I am still waiting for an answer. The iPad's "limitations" are well known, but yet you bought one knowing that there was no native access to the file system, no Flash, no USB port, etc. So knowing this, and if those features are so important to you, why did you buy an iPad?
I'll give you no Flash and USB; customers had plenty of warning. But nowhere does Apple explain the mysterious lack of picture/file management. It's a common and justified complaint, and I think Apple missed the mark.
I am unsure where they statement that millions of users jail break iPhones and ipads if any thing it is the other way around. *At tops 10% to 20% may jail break the rest which is the masses that these devices appeal to donot jailbreak as they are more than happy with what they purchased and further more would not have a clue to understanding what jail-braking is all about. The same applies with other platforms like Android. In terms of Apple being out of touch with users I cannot understand that statement when iPod touch, iPhone series plus the iPads have been so successful. Your personal needs is what YOU want not what the rest of the world want that is in fact why alternative products exist. I sell Apples i series products including the ipad and not one person has asked why it does not have a direct USB port or why it does not have flash because they buy the product for what it is. I find also that customer satisfaction is the highest.
I do not and will not get into an argument with flash it is just a comment.

Regarding the OP's issue i can understand his frustration however that is why in fact products like Macbook Air etc exist. Maybe just may be Apple may support that type of need in future upgrades but for now it is one of the limitations but again for a small part of the users. I personally have been supplying solutions for professional photographers for more than 15 years their needs are special mainly file sizes, storage and performance. I would hesitate recommending the iPad as the be all end all answer as it is not. It is not the right product for the job. However as presentation device it is excellent. I agree that the upload and picture management needs to be addressed but again i suspect that will happen either with software upgrades from Apple of from a third part developer.

I do agree that iTunes needs an overhaul not that this was mentioned as it has become bloated by the huge number of content available. I suspect that will happen in early jan or first half of next year when they release the new store for the Mac OS platform
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The iPad was designed to be a mobile consumption device... for consuming content primarily from Apple!.
. Spot on statement

Quote I would argue this is where Apple has fallen out of touch. Greedy move. And Android is capitalizing on it. Quote

Apple in fact has not fallen out of touch for one simple reason "You can buy or down load free an app for that."......for the iPad iPod touch and iPhones In addition iTunes has been more successful than any other on line music supplier period again one of the major reasons the iPods now have 80% of that Market.

Sure others such as Android have access to free apps and I do not dispute that however considering some 50,000 apps are free and that's conservative in the apple store i can't see the point of the argument. Let's face it how many apps do you really want to have on your device. I have absolutely no problem in paying for an app that is supported by developers and upgrades are free and further more in most cases i can down load that app to my iPhone, iPod touch and iPad for one single out lay.
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According to Bloomberg, "Apple Inc.'s Annual Earnings - Apple Inc. reported annual 2010 earnings of $15.15 per share on 10/18/2010."

They are predicting a payout of $19.16 in 2011 and $21.56 in 2012. Buy now!

Oh, and to those who say that Apple doesn't "get it", Bloomberg also says. "Apple Inc. had revenues for the full year 2010 of $65.2B. This was 78.5% above the prior year's results."

So what was the big difference between 2009 and 2010?

The iPad!
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