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Hello all,
I am considering purchasing a new iPad on eBay and was wondering if there is anything in particular that I need to be cautious about. Furthermore, I am having a difficult time deciding between the various generations of iPads on the market. Of course, I can purchase a first generation iPad for more than half the price as a third generation iPad, but does the difference in performance/technology really rationalize paying more? In addition, I am not sure how much storage I will need. I plan to use it for watching videos, listening to music, and for personal files. eBay suggests 64GB is needed. Finally, there is an option to purchase an "unlocked" iPad. What does this mean, and is one service carrier (AT&T vs. Verizon) better than the other. Thanks for your help.
Hello and welcome to the forum!!

Sounds like alot of choices / decisions for ya to make...if ya can afford it & you are gonna use it, look at the most updated and storage ya can.
eco41679 said:
Hello all,
I am considering purchasing a new iPad on eBay and was wondering if there is anything in particular that I need to be cautious about. Furthermore, I am having a difficult time deciding between the various generations of iPads on the market. Of course, I can purchase a first generation iPad for more than half the price as a third generation iPad, but does the difference in performance/technology really rationalize paying more? In addition, I am not sure how much storage I will need. I plan to use it for watching videos, listening to music, and for personal files. eBay suggests 64GB is needed. Finally, there is an option to purchase an "unlocked" iPad. What does this mean, and is one service carrier (AT&T vs. Verizon) better than the other. Thanks for your help.

Hi and welcome to the Forum!

I would not be buying an iPad 1, for the simple reason that an iPad 1 has 256mb of ram, an iPad 2 512mb and the new iPad has 1 gb. The iPad 1 needs extra attention now to avoid crashes from a lack of ram and as apps are only getting bigger I believe it will really struggle to keep up. The size to get is dependent on what you will use it for and as you say you will be watching videos, I would get the biggest you can afford.....videos take up a lot of space and also you will find that it isn't until you get an iPad that you realise the many tasks that it can accomplish.

Unlocked means you do not have to go with the one carrier and you can select who you wish, which to me is the only way to go.
Also be aware if you purchase a 3G iPad 2 that there is a real difference between Verizon and AT&T. If you plan on travelling overseas Verizon will not work in a lot of countries and does not have a removable sim, whereas with AT&T you can just swap out the sim to have 3G everywhere. Also keep in mind if you want true GPS features you must purchase a 3G/4G iPad and the good thing here is that you do not have to have a charged sim to access it. The GPS chip is built into the iPad. I hope this helps you.

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