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New iTunes Library


iPF Noob
Apr 28, 2011
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I had to reinstall my OS on my laptop. I sync with iTunes on my laptop. So, when I download and install a new iTunes, and then connect the iPad2, it won't sync unless it erases everything in the iPad2 and copies over iTunes - which has very little in it.

This iTunes restriction on some named library is an incredibly irritating hassle.

Again, Apple does not seem to understand the term "synchronization" is a bidirectional term!

So, how do I resolve this? How do I get iTunes to properly recognize my existing iPad2 and its library? And then how do I upload the Apps on the iPad to iTunes?

First, without the iPad connected, go to Preferences in iTunes, the Devices tab, and turn off auto sync. That will give you more control over when the iPad syncs.

Got to the Store menu and choose authorize computer, just to make sure it's still good.

When you connect the iPad and it offers to erase/sync your iPad, it should also offer a Transfer Purchases option. Choose that. If it doesn't, then cancel the sync, right click on the iPad under the Devices list and choose Transfer Purchases.

After it is done, check to make sure everything got moved. If it did, you are good to go. If not go through your sync options on all the pages to make sure you've turned syncing on where you want it. Don't sync.

Try Transfer Purchases again.

If it works, you should be good to go.

If it doesn't, tell us what didn't get transferred and we'll try to come up with another solution.
My Laptop is broken, so i need to change new laptop and install new itunes.. if i sync my ipad on my new laptop and new itunes, can i save and use my previous apps and data? Can i use the same step like installed new os?
In the future take a backup of the itunes folder. It is in the Music Library on Windows 7, In the Music folder in My Documents for Vista. If you copy the ITunes directory to an external disk then you can copy it to a new computer.

When I upgrade to a new computer I install itunes, make sure itunes is not running, I then delete the itunes directory that was just created and copy the itunes directory from the external disk. Note this is the itunes directory containing the itunes library not the program directory. Restart itunes and it picks up the itunes settings.
iTunes library

Very good information. Thank you.

You know, I have been a Microsoft user since back in the days of MSDOS, and even cut my teeth on Japanese MSDOS while living in Japan as an engineering manager for several years. I cannot tell you how many times I have been harassed by the hardline Apple user about my failure to 'see the light' and change to Mac or MacBook, etc. But it is software like this, and others that I have had to work with in my engineering role, that demonstrates that Apple has just as many issues with poorly organized or written software as Microsoft and all of the vendors that work in that environment. This lack of flexibility with the management of a library is really difficult to comprehend.

But we all eventually learn how to get around them. Like the one about selecting every sub-folder in the Photos directory, instead of merely selecting "ALL". Who would have guessed that one?

Thanks for your help. I will remember this one. I work with 2 computers, an iPad (now), and a laptop that travels with me. Reinstallation of Windows OS is NOT an uncommon activity for me. I have become somewhat of an expert at it. Not an enviable position. I use the OS and applications very heavily, so the buildup of issues does occur over time.

Thanks for the info!

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