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New member from NJ/ Former Windows


iPF Noob
Hi All,

I can't wait to get one in my hands. I am doing research to determine which model is right for me.

I will use my iPad for note taking and organization. I hope to consolidate my college textbooks. Next fall I should be in pharmacy school. So I have one semester to perfect my note taking with the iPad. If anyone has any sites where textbooks are sold in pdf format...please pm me. All the places I see only do rentals which is fine I guess.

Btw, I'm a huge Windows user. I run Windows Home Server w/ a website
for remote access. Apple has always been better- the price has always been a turn off for poor college students. The iPad is a steal and I look forward to moving platforms. Maybe one day I will run a Mac server.
Welcome! Even though Steve Jobs is a jealous mistress, you can still do both. I only recently bought my first Mac for developing iPad and iPhone apps, but all thing equal - I'll stick with Windows, thank you very much :D
Welcome! Even though Steve Jobs is a jealous mistress, you can still do both. I only recently bought my first Mac for developing iPad and iPhone apps, but all thing equal - I'll stick with Windows, thank you very much :D

I agree. Each platform has its own advantages. I hope everyone on the site shares the same open-minded mentality.

I have a Lenovo netbook with Linux and Windows. The netbook has been good to me and goes everywhere. I'm really excited about the portable and functional iPad platform.

I hope to show my friends it's more than a big iTouch. Many friends who didn't see the necessity of a netbook now ask me for recommended brands/configurations:D
Welcome to the Forum, Jchetty

It used to be that Windows users and Apple users were never on speaking terms ;), but with the iPad being what it is, we have convergence!

I'm taking a class at my local university, and the prof chose a book that happened to be offered as an ebook at Amazon. Since I have Kindle/iPad, I was able to buy it and download it. The textbook was a little cheaper than the hard copy (why, I always ask aren't they cheaper?) I did a search on pharmacy in the Kindle store and found all of these text books available:

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_8?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=pharmacy&sprefix=pharmacy]Amazon.com: pharmacy: Kindle Store[/ame]

As to figuring what size iPad, get the biggest one you can afford. Judging from what you wrote, I would get a 64gig. I would also check in with your school to see if they offer the iPad. My university offered all wifi size versions for US$50 less than retail.
It used to be that Windows users and Apple users were never on speaking terms ;), but with the iPad being what it is, we have convergence!

I'm taking a class at my local university, and the prof chose a book that happened to be offered as an ebook at Amazon. Since I have Kindle/iPad, I was able to buy it and download it. The textbook was a little cheaper than the hard copy (why, I always ask aren't they cheaper?) I did a search on pharmacy in the Kindle store and found all of these text books available:

As to figuring what size iPad, get the biggest one you can afford. Judging from what you wrote, I would get a 64gig. I would also check in with your school to see if they offer the iPad. My university offered all wifi size versions for US$50 less than retail.

That is a great idea to check if my school offers a discount. If I get a $50 discount, the 64 gig is a no brainer:D

I'm looking at either Amazon or Barnes/Noble for ebooks. Course smart has a huge selection of ebooks. I am hesitant to adopt their platform which requires software to read the ebook. I don't want to deal with compatibility issues.
Another good reason for the iPad versus

Getting a vendor specific reader like the Kindle or the Nook. You can get all of these bookstores into one iPad! I would wager that there is an app you can get to read Course Smart literature on your iPad.

Seeing the iPad at the campus bookstore was a bit jarring since I could've saved US$50. Oh well!
Getting a vendor specific reader like the Kindle or the Nook. You can get all of these bookstores into one iPad! I would wager that there is an app you can get to read Course Smart literature on your iPad.

Seeing the iPad at the campus bookstore was a bit jarring since I could've saved US$50. Oh well!

I will use Cengage Learning spdf for the majority of my books. If they do not carry them, I will use either Amazon or Barnes & Noble respectively. My last option will be Course Smart. The special software is a bit of a turn off.

All the places allow you to print using a quota system. I plan to print the parts of the book I use. Then scan them and turn them into pdf files. I won't distribute them. Rather I plan to archive them for reference.

I plan to have an iPad in my hands within 2 weeks. I have heard the rumors of the new one. However classes start Jan 24 and I don't believe I could get one in my hands the week before.

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