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New member needs a little help


iPF Noob
New to the forum. at the end of last year discovered I had a cancer issue one of the things I decided since I was going to be on disability was to get the new iPhone which I purchased in December. After my surgery and my recuperation time I'm doing a lot better , the future is looking pretty optimistic that I'll be able to get through this with no problem or at least just a few problems along the way but I think the overall future is looking pretty good. The other day I purchased the new iPad and since I'm getting pretty good with the iPhone I thought the next step would be to get the iPad and I also have an iPod from several years ago which I really haven't gotten into the technical end of it. So needless to say I have three devices now and I have created on my iTunes three different libraries and it's all on the same account. the help I need is to understand because I'm looking at a lot of trees for the forest here is how to simply move a couple of my files and apps from my iPhone over to the iPad not all of them just a couple selectively to keep them there , for that particular device from within the iTunes environment. Just a few apps I will have the same on the iPhone and also the iPad device. Thanks to the members Ray
I'm a cancer survivor and CHEERS for the good attitude, it makes a huge difference!

Welcome to our forum! We hope you enjoy your time with us. If you have any questions, the Search feature will be your best friend. If that doesn't work, just wait someone will be around with the answers you seek.

While you're *looking around *here are a few links you may find useful.

We have an iPad manual available for download incase you ever need it.

Did you know we have our own App - Its pretty easy to use.

We also have a gaming section. There is bound to be something there you like.

Last but not least. Everyone has to play by the rules here. Please read them and keep them in mind when you post. http://www.ipadforums.net/forum-rules-help-info/2119-forum-rules-everybody-please-read.html

Again Welcome and We hope you Enjoy Your Time Here!

IPF Staff

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