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New member "password security app"


iPF Noob
I am an interior designer, 62, with some saavy about computers. I tend to go for the good looking apps.
I need an app for my new IPAD2 to store usernames, passwords, name of site, credit card, etc.

I looked at Keeper but it seems complicated although good looking, and do you have to go to the pay per year?


Well, I use an app (to do all that you require) called 1Password Pro ($14.99 USD) It's my "it" app to keep track of everything I have. I also purchased the desktop version for Windows (about $30, USD) and with it, I can sync my info back and forth between the iPad and the desktop PC.

It has a very nice interface, and to get into it, you set a Master password. Then, you can look inside it all you wish. It also has a web browser function, should you wish to open a page real quick to do something.

I bank online and do a lot of other secure transactions. I am very please with this app (I have no affiliation with them, BTW).

I'd recommend it and wouldn't use anything else. Of course, and as always, YMMB
I second that suggestion. I have 1Password on both my devices, and the desktop app on my desktop, and it's a huge help. It stores lots of info besides passwords, such as data and scans of important documents, and even makes just filling in web forms easier and faster. It's safer if my computer etc were ever stolen, too: I no longer let my browsers learn and fill in passwords automatically, or use the keychain utility.


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