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Hello All,

I am fairly new to the iPad 2 and now find I need to solve how to sign forms on the iPad. I would like a field rep to collect data on a form; the data should feed into a SharePoint database. I also need for the field rep and another person to be able to sign the form. If there is anyone on the forum interested, let me know. Better yet, if you have found a solution and are willing to share, I would be most appreciative.

I look forward to all the good information on this forum.
Hi lKopp--

Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but have you looked into an called dropbox. You can share documents/pictures with others using this dropbox app. You can have it installed both on your PC and your ipad and be able to share your docs between the 2. You can also share docs with others that do not have the app by creating a public link for accessing it on the web. Wonder if that might help you?


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