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I have been doing all the research on getting a new android tablet and was preparing to wait it out for the Asus TF700 which is due out shortly.The reason I wanted a android tablet was I wanted it to pair it with my Galaxy S3 that is due out in less than a week here,I am first on Best Buys waiting list locally for the phone.Two nights ago I stopped in at Best Buy to play with the tablets and it became obvious to me the Ipad 3 was a much better unit than any of the android offerings.The ipad navigated much smoother and the feel of it was so much better.After an hour of going back and forth with the Ipad and the androids I ended up purchasing a black Ipad 3 32gb.After playing with it for a couple days I know I made the right decision,now I am going to cancel my pre-order of the Galaxy S3 and wait it out for the IP5.The only things I would change with the Ipad would be better stereo speakers,and change the screen aspect ratio to something a little narrower to match photos and videos better,but the build quality of this unit is really impressive!!:)
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