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New owner and so frightened and worried!


iPF Noob
Hello there!

I am proud to announce that I am a brand new owner of a brand new ipad 3G 32GB. :)

Before even opening the box I wanted to see what other people are saying and if there are any ways I might mishandle it,I mean its better to know about your things before you start using them. But I was shrunk to bits,there were so many complaining about ipad getting stuck at "connect to itunes screen" on every reboot,faulty flash memory resulting in corruption and bricking,after synchronizing with itunes the ipad goes haywire and when efforts were made they were greeted with the devilish "unknow error(9)" and so on,and the worst thing is all of these were brand new ipads just arrived to their owner. So I am pretty worried and frightened now to even open the box at all,all those bad reports are haunting me. :mad:

People might wonder what the heck why so worried? The reason is I had to save from last year february to last month to purchase one of these goodies and now if it goes dead then am beat. We don't really have any official apple distributors here in our country,I had to send all my saving to one of my friends' uncle to US who bought it for me and now he is retired and won't be going back to US so if my ipad goes dead I'll simply have an expensive brick!

Man am so worried,what do you people say? Are these bad reports really real or just a mere few cases?

"Don't worry be happy"

I haven't had any problems. Just read the online manuals and be careful to your new Ipad. Connect and disconnect in a proper way and wont have any problems (hopefully).

Congratulations, you will not be disappointed :)

Best regards!
Don't let the worry about *possible* problems outweigh the pleasure of having and using something you've waited so long for.

Enjoy what you have, take it one step at a time and just tell yourself that even if something goes wrong (knock on wood), it's only a matter of finding a way to fix it.
Ya return to apple if it doesn't work..

If you're afraid of breaking it buy a laptop. Or itouch would be a good way to understand how tough they can be..
Okay thanks everyone.To be honest I was a hardcore anti-apple everything! Now after buying my new iPad am so amazed and impressed that I don't have words to explain,but no matter as long as apple make those carrier locked iPhones I'll always remain anti-iPhone. Now after using my iPad for few minutes I find myself questioning why will I want to jailbreak when everything I need is there in store for Free!! I mean everything that I required were free which I have already downloaded and installed and feeling over proud. Now most of my friends are telling me to jailbreak it but I don't see why I need to do that,any good reasons I should do that when everything I want is working free and great?
May I ask what country are you from? Then i can offer further information that may help you
Welcome iWhat! Cool introduction post.

Pretty soon the infatuation will fade and settle down to merely addiction. :D
Welcome to the forum!

My iPad is still 100% Apple and my iTunes library is on a computer running Vista and I have never (knock wood) had any of those issues.
Yes, you could drop it! But you could drop a laptop too. I have had almost no problems linking mine with itunes. I did buy a silicon cover for the back for better grip. My elderly mother bought one after I did. She is partially sighted, but is loving hers. She has managed to keep hers safe!

My advice to you is to dive right in and pick some of the great apps available. You'll hardly be able to put it down after that. Rach.
What got me is his comment on the carrier locked iPhone.. What phone out there isn't carrier locked?? Lol plus with four major carriers out there you could only use an unlocked phone on two of the four networks anyway... (sprint/verizon - AT&T/T-Mobile)

Jailbreaking opens many doors! Jb my iPhone for tmobile and it's amazing how much more you can do and get via cydia
okay people that was over too much encouragement,:D damn now you make me feel like my iPad is super invincible(as in Pc games with cheatcode) and maybe I should take that aluminum back cover off sometimes to see what's in there(seriously!). I didn't jb yet,will wait till iOS 4 for iPad comes in this November. Thanks again people for all your support and encouragement. I am from Asia,Bangladesh where I suppose no iDevice will ever be officially released or launched.
I let my 3 year old and 19 month old nieces play with it (I am their nanny and watch them 50 to 60 hours a week). I cannot count how many times they have dropped it. The one corner is a bit bent. But the screen is not at all scratched and nothing is wrong with the operation of it. I am sure at some point they will drop it one to many times, but as of now that hasn't happened.
What got me is his comment on the carrier locked iPhone.. What phone out there isn't carrier locked??

Many vendors outside the US offer unlocked phones. My iPhone is not locked to any particular carrier, and so far I have used it with different local prepaid SIMs in three different countries (including Australia.)

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