Welcome JJGee !
lol this is like Apple anonymous,
Hello, My name is Jeff and I'm addicted to Apple.. {steps down from podium to sit with sponsor}
It is true though, but I have to admit I wasn't always a long time Apple user. Being into Electronics and learning troubleshooting techniques back in tube days (beginning of solid-state), it was natural to enter into the PC realm.
For one they were available everywhere and it was what people brought in for service. The Mac users at this time, was a close knit community within towns and most often had their own support channels when not covered with a warranty.
Also the PC was more apt to be an upgradeable device for most users and was more of a hobby to many that was willing to learn all the intricacies of multiple OS changes, hardware vendors, kits, 3rd party components and accessories and DOS too was mainstream in school programs.
The largest thing we point out to new Mac users these days and have for awhile, "When doing most things with Macs, they just work".
My most impressive feat for Apple, although shocking to me simultaneously, was the big move to Intel and no longer Motorola based.
Immediately I could tell that it was going to be an economic as much as an introductory Boom! to PC users everywhere.
I am happy to see all the long time PC users that have converted to Macs, but most of all the fact that people, whether being long time Apple or PC users, have learned to open their minds and look beyond mere categorizing Mac or PC.
In my eyes they are both so similar hardware wise, yet Apple has a way of standing above and beyond any quality or customer support any PC manufacturer ever had.