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New to Apple

Hello everyone! I just got my iPad two days ago and I think it is a wonderful product. This is my first Apple product I have ever had, and I believe I am sold on them. If the other Apple products are as smooth as this iPad I see more Apple products in my future. I have always been critical of the way Apple has their products locked down and am even somewhat an Android fanboy, however I admit this iPad is in another universe when compared to several Android tablets I have tried. IMO the web browsing is the best experience you can get using Atomic Web on any device. Anyway, just wanted to say hi to everyone and tell how much I am loving my new iPad.
Hi and Welcome
Thanks for your post. I have been trying to decide whether to go for an android or an ipad for some time.

Like you I was very critical about the locked down apple approach. Then a friend let me try his ipad and I was sold -better than anything I have tried so far. What a dream of a screen.
Still have not got round to getting one - spent far more than I should have on Christmas prezzies. But plan on getting one ASAP
All the best
The locked down apple approach is one of it's great strengths.
Everything just works.

All the apps are tested before sale and there's no need to install and upgrade virus checkers and trojan blockers etc., let alone have to edit some obscure config file to ensure something works with your hardware setup.

If you do have a philosophical antipathy to the locked down approach you can easily jailbreak your gadget and become master of it's fate, captain of it's soul :)
Hi Hasty
At heart I am an old 'dosser'. Back in pre-windows days there was nothing I liked better than writing a memory efficient config.sys file or an all singing autoexec.bat. I still love to tinker.

But I am beginning to see the strengths of the Apple approach. I can see that binding the hardware and the software together can increase both the efficiency, security and the reliability of a device.

Thanks for taking the time to write

Happy new year

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