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New to be Apple iPad user


iPF Noob
Dec 5, 2020
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I currently have a 8" Nook for reading books, magazines, email and surfing, etc. I am looking to get a new device and have decided on the iPad mini. I should state up front, I want to stick with the mini only. So my question is, should I do option 1 or 2 or 3.

Option #1: Buy the 7.9" iPad mini (Gen 5) today and keep it for 2-4 years, then upgrade.

Option #2: Wait till March and buy the supposed new iPad mini (Gen 6)

Option #3: Buy Gen 5 mini today and then when the new mini Gen 6 comes out, decide if upgrading and trading in the Gen 5 is worth it.

In regards to option #2, how many of you think Gen 6 will come out Q1? If it is next Fall, I do not want to wait that long. Also, for those with Gen 5 mini's today, any issues? How do you like them?
I currently have a 8" Nook for reading books, magazines, email and surfing, etc. I am looking to get a new device and have decided on the iPad mini. I should state up front, I want to stick with the mini only. So my question is, should I do option 1 or 2 or 3.

Option #1: Buy the 7.9" iPad mini (Gen 5) today and keep it for 2-4 years, then upgrade.

Option #2: Wait till March and buy the supposed new iPad mini (Gen 6)

Option #3: Buy Gen 5 mini today and then when the new mini Gen 6 comes out, decide if upgrading and trading in the Gen 5 is worth it.

In regards to option #2, how many of you think Gen 6 will come out Q1? If it is next Fall, I do not want to wait that long. Also, for those with Gen 5 mini's today, any issues? How do you like them?

Hello Fred - welcome to the forum! :) First, as you may already know, this forum has no relationship to Apple and thus no insights into why, when, and in what forms, the company will release its new products. Second, from a recent discussion in MacRumors on potential 'new releases', all that is stated is Apple may be releasing a new Mini next year (and possibly ones of different sizes) - if interested, look at the link and scroll down for further links.

Looking at the chart below (from Wiki), the iPad Mini has been released in the fall except for the last one, i.e. iPad Mini 5G (with a 4-yr gap vs. the previous model). My wife has had 3 Mini models and is currently using the 5G (Wi-Fi only w/ 64 GB storage) and is quite happy w/ the device - she mainly does reading, games, email, and web surfing - the lower storage was my decision because going to 256 GB is expensive and she does not take photos nor store music/movies/podcasts/etc.

My advice is that if you are itching to go on to another e-reader and being about Christmas time, treat yourself to a Mini 5G; of course, you need to decide on the amount of storage (and only 2 choices unfortunately; I would have picked 128 GB for my wife, if possible) and whether you need a cellular device. But if your needs are not urgent, cash flow an issue, or other considerations, then you can wait but with no guarantee that Apple will release a Mini model next spring? Good luck in your choice. Dave

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Well, really options one and two are decisions to be made today. Whether or not you'll buy an iPad mini 6, whenever it comes out, is something you'll make when it comes out and you know what it is capable of.

So the real questions are whether you're willing to wait until the next iPad mini release, or whether you want an iPad mini now, and can afford it.

The iPad mini 5 is only about a year old, so it's expected supported life span is more like three to five more years. Three years (total) is very unlikely. Apple has never supported one of its iOS devices for that short a period. Six years total is not impossible.

Rumors aside, it's a coin toss whether Apple releases a new iPad mini in March, or even next year. They've often skipped years on iPad mini releases. The current iPad mini is a robust upgrade to the previous model.

My recommendation is if you want an iPad mini now, buy it now. You can decide if the next model is worth the expense after it comes out, whenever that turns out to be. If it's just a whim and of not something you feel strongly about, wait until there is a device you think worth paying for.

If you buy now, at worst you can sell or trade in the older iPad for the newer model and consider the difference rent for being able to able to use an iPad over the next few months or more (whatever it turns out to be).

Because you said option three, buy twice was possible, I did not give a lot of thought to end costs, though I think my answer is still reasonable.
Hello Fred - welcome to the forum! :) First, as you may already know, this forum has no relationship to Apple and thus no insights into why, when, and in what forms, the company will release its new products. Second, from a recent discussion in MacRumors on potential 'new releases', all that is stated is Apple may be releasing a new Mini next year (and possibly ones of different sizes) - if interested, look at the link and scroll down for further links.

Looking at the chart below (from Wiki), the iPad Mini has been released in the fall except for the last one, i.e. iPad Mini 5G (with a 4-yr gap vs. the previous model). My wife has had 3 Mini models and is currently using the 5G (Wi-Fi only w/ 64 GB storage) and is quite happy w/ the device - she mainly does reading, games, email, and web surfing - the lower storage was my decision because going to 256 GB is expensive and she does not take photos nor store music/movies/podcasts/etc.

My advice is that if you are itching to go on to another e-reader and being about Christmas time, treat yourself to a Mini 5G; of course, you need to decide on the amount of storage (and only 2 choices unfortunately; I would have picked 128 GB for my wife, if possible) and whether you need a cellular device. But if your needs are not urgent, cash flow an issue, or other considerations, then you can wait but with no guarantee that Apple will release a Mini model next spring? Good luck in your choice. Dave

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Thanks for the great info!
Well, really options one and two are decisions to be made today. Whether or not you'll buy an iPad mini 6, whenever it comes out, is something you'll make when it comes out and you know what it is capable of.

So the real questions are whether you're willing to wait until the next iPad mini release, or whether you want an iPad mini now, and can afford it.

The iPad mini 5 is only about a year old, so it's expected supported life span is more like three to five more years. Three years (total) is very unlikely. Apple has never supported one of its iOS devices for that short a period. Six years total is not impossible.

Rumors aside, it's a coin toss whether Apple releases a new iPad mini in March, or even next year. They've often skipped years on iPad mini releases. The current iPad mini is a robust upgrade to the previous model.

My recommendation is if you want an iPad mini now, buy it now. You can decide if the next model is worth the expense after it comes out, whenever that turns out to be. If it's just a whim and of not something you feel strongly about, wait until there is a device you think worth paying for.

If you buy now, at worst you can sell or trade in the older iPad for the newer model and consider the difference rent for being able to able to use an iPad over the next few months or more (whatever it turns out to be).

Because you said option three, buy twice was possible, I did not give a lot of thought to end costs, though I think my answer is still reasonable.

I think your suggestion makes sense. I currently use my Nook every evening, so I know I will use the iPad mini and therefore worth spending money on. Everyone seems to agree on one thing, the iPad mini is the best 8" tablet on the market right now. In regards to storage I will go with 64G, because I do not take a lot of photos or store a lot of info in general. What I do not know, is how much of the 64G is used by the OS or system? I am thinking of getting WiFi only, as on my current tablet, I do not have 4G service, but I do have built in GPS. I know I lose that if I go WiFi only with Apple. Have you or anyone seen issues with not having the built in GPS? I hardly use GPS on my current tablet, keep it off extends battery life as well. Just not sure on the Apple platform are there apps that I might want that mandate having GPS? I know location can be gotten via WiFi as well, although not as accurate. Any thoughts on these topics would be great! Thanks.
iOS 14 uses about 7.5 GB on the iPad mini. There is also and "Other" system category. This varies a lot, based on system logs, catches, and other temporary app data. Mine is currently a bit over 5 GB, and is probably typical for an iPad of moderate use. My iPad Mini is 64 GB and has about 29 GB of free storage. Because it is a secondary iPad this is mostly for two tasks I can live with this. I'll clean out the various apps and media as needed to keep it healthy. On my main iPad I've already accumulated 85 GB of stuff.

Keep in mind that I lot of iCloud Drive space which reduces my Books, Music, Photos, and several other services local storage needs. If I were to keep all my Books (Amazon, iBooks, and comic/manga) stored on the iPad mini, it would be close to it's limits. * I don't read comics or manga on the mini. Too small for my old eyes.

So, 64 GB will seem very roomy for what you've said you want to use the iPad for, however the iPad mini is capable of much more. At some point you're going to explore those capabilities, an some of them are going to be appealing.

I pretty much always recommend the cellular/GPS models, but at this point it's mostly for convenience. I don't like fiddling around when I want internet. No matter where I am, I just want the thing to work. Even if it is something I could pull out my iPhone and do. I'm just lazy.
I think your suggestion makes sense. I currently use my Nook every evening, so I know I will use the iPad mini and therefore worth spending money on. Everyone seems to agree on one thing, the iPad mini is the best 8" tablet on the market right now. In regards to storage I will go with 64G, because I do not take a lot of photos or store a lot of info in general. What I do not know, is how much of the 64G is used by the OS or system? I am thinking of getting WiFi only, as on my current tablet, I do not have 4G service, but I do have built in GPS. I know I lose that if I go WiFi only with Apple. Have you or anyone seen issues with not having the built in GPS? I hardly use GPS on my current tablet, keep it off extends battery life as well. Just not sure on the Apple platform are there apps that I might want that mandate having GPS? I know location can be gotten via WiFi as well, although not as accurate. Any thoughts on these topics would be great! Thanks.

Hi again Fred - TP has already given you some valuable information regarding some of your questions above. Wife and I have owned a half dozen iPads and I always buy the Wi-Fi only models - why? Well, we are almost always around a Wi-Fi network (home, hotels, etc.) so no need for cellular, plus I'd rather not pay the extra price for the model nor the cellular plan price; in addition, even in a car my wife's iPhone sets up a Wi-Fi hot spot and she can use her Wi-Fi only Mini; since 2011 when I obtained my first iPad, I've almost never been able to not get on the internet w/ my Wi-Fi only iPads - BUT, your choice.

As to your question on 'location services', the Wi-Fi only iPads do NOT have GPS radios or cellular - crowd sourced Wi-Fi (check HERE) technology is used along w/ additional methods to locate your position - my Wi-Fi only iPad experience has been pretty accurate in determining my location. Hope this helps. Dave :)
iOS 14 uses about 7.5 GB on the iPad mini. There is also and "Other" system category. This varies a lot, based on system logs, catches, and other temporary app data. Mine is currently a bit over 5 GB, and is probably typical for an iPad of moderate use. My iPad Mini is 64 GB and has about 29 GB of free storage. Because it is a secondary iPad this is mostly for two tasks I can live with this. I'll clean out the various apps and media as needed to keep it healthy. On my main iPad I've already accumulated 85 GB of stuff.

Keep in mind that I lot of iCloud Drive space which reduces my Books, Music, Photos, and several other services local storage needs. If I were to keep all my Books (Amazon, iBooks, and comic/manga) stored on the iPad mini, it would be close to it's limits. * I don't read comics or manga on the mini. Too small for my old eyes.

So, 64 GB will seem very roomy for what you've said you want to use the iPad for, however the iPad mini is capable of much more. At some point you're going to explore those capabilities, an some of them are going to be appealing.

I pretty much always recommend the cellular/GPS models, but at this point it's mostly for convenience. I don't like fiddling around when I want internet. No matter where I am, I just want the thing to work. Even if it is something I could pull out my iPhone and do. I'm just lazy.

Ok, this is great to know what the OS is using in space and I forgot, I can dump stuff on iCloud if needed.
Hi again Fred - TP has already given you some valuable information regarding some of your questions above. Wife and I have owned a half dozen iPads and I always buy the Wi-Fi only models - why? Well, we are almost always around a Wi-Fi network (home, hotels, etc.) so no need for cellular, plus I'd rather not pay the extra price for the model nor the cellular plan price; in addition, even in a car my wife's iPhone sets up a Wi-Fi hot spot and she can use her Wi-Fi only Mini; since 2011 when I obtained my first iPad, I've almost never been able to not get on the internet w/ my Wi-Fi only iPads - BUT, your choice.

As to your question on 'location services', the Wi-Fi only iPads do NOT have GPS radios or cellular - crowd sourced Wi-Fi (check HERE) technology is used along w/ additional methods to locate your position - my Wi-Fi only iPad experience has been pretty accurate in determining my location. Hope this helps. Dave :)

Good to know that you have gotten by with Wi-Fi only. So, I think where I am landing is 64G with WiFi only, this keeps the costs down as well, if and when they come out with a Gen 6 I can look to trade in, if it makes sense. You can actually get decent trade in $ if your device is fairly new, found this out when trading in daughters iPhone for back in last September the new iPhone 11 Pro Max, which she loves!

Last question, does Apple ever do Christmas sales?
Good to know that you have gotten by with Wi-Fi only. So, I think where I am landing is 64G with WiFi only, this keeps the costs down as well, if and when they come out with a Gen 6 I can look to trade in, if it makes sense. You can actually get decent trade in $ if your device is fairly new, found this out when trading in daughters iPhone for back in last September the new iPhone 11 Pro Max, which she loves!

Last question, does Apple ever do Christmas sales?

Well, don't 'hold your breath' for Apple to offer a decent discount - shown below (top) is the current cost of the Mini model you would like on the Apple website, i.e. $399; plus, I would strongly encourage your to add AppleCare for $69 (you get a full 2 years of protection); now if you're willing to buy a 'refurbished model' from Apple (see 2nd pic) - the boxed in model is $60 less and comes w/ a 1-year warranty.

My only other suggestions is to look at some of the online sites that sell Apple products, e.g. Amazon, Best Buy, and B&H Photo to mention a few - they may have slight discounts at times - bottom line, don't wait for a great bargain on a new iPad, unlikely to occur. Dave :)

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Well, don't 'hold your breath' for Apple to offer a decent discount - shown below (top) is the current cost of the Mini model you would like on the Apple website, i.e. $399; plus, I would strongly encourage your to add AppleCare for $69 (you get a full 2 years of protection); now if you're willing to buy a 'refurbished model' from Apple (see 2nd pic) - the boxed in model is $60 less and comes w/ a 1-year warranty.

My only other suggestions is to look at some of the online sites that sell Apple products, e.g. Amazon, Best Buy, and B&H Photo to mention a few - they may have slight discounts at times - bottom line, don't wait for a great bargain on a new iPad, unlikely to occur. Dave :)

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Got it. At least it is consistent pricing. In the auto world, it is voodoo pricing. Some people even pay above MRSP, for production vehicles, which I find crazy... I will get AppleCare, because I am sure I will need tech support being new to the Apple iPad World. Thanks for all of the help!
Ok, this is great to know what the OS is using in space and I forgot, I can dump stuff on iCloud if needed.

Keep in mind Apple only gives you 5 GB of cloud storage for free.This is enough for backups, and a bit more. Extra storage isn't expensive, about $2 a month for the lowest 50 GB tier. With your planned usage you probably won't need it, but keep in it in mind.

And make sure you enable iCloud backups.

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