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New to iPad Development, looking for advice of converting a Windows based application


iPF Noob
Hi All

First off, I have no iPad development experience.

I have been asked by my company to see if it is possible to recreate a touchscreen Application to work with ipads.

I created a basic touchscreen application that runs on Windows 7.

The application is basically a set of buttons that if pressed writes an entry to a local database. At the end of the shift this information is then uploaded to a central database.

Since the touchscreen buttons can be different things depending on where it is being used the buttons are dynamically created on load via an ini file, this ini file is also easily changed if any of the buttons need changed.

So my questions are.

Can an iPad application be created that changes on load based on what is in the configuration file, this configuration file must easily be amended.

Can the entries be written to a local database on the iPad?

Can the iPad connect to an MS SQL server to upload its results?

If the above can be achieved can you recommend tutorials to help me learn to create the above. (I am not an experienced developer but I can learn quickly and follow tutorials to get me where I need to be). I have access to a MAC and Xcode.


Im not sure what you mean by having the app change when loading. If it´s online enabled you can quite possibly change the view depending on e.i user logon.
there is no local db on the ipad, but you can make it connect to an online database, even iCloud these days.
There are a lot of tutorials. Youtube is a great place. You could also try geekylemon, those guys have a lot of good stuff. I do, however, recommend you buy a book :) I started on iOS programming a little under a year ago, 6 month of reading, watching tutorials and the next 6 to make my first app. I bought iPad application development for dummies. It a good way to start. Xcode is tough to master, but fairly easy to get ok at. You can do a LOT of things with xcode. After you have red this getting started book, you might have a better understanding on what you can do with xcode, and what you should do further study in when making your app. This is if you cant to do it as a native iOS app. You can also make an HTML5 app which is fully supported on the Ipad - can´t give you any pointeres there though..

best regards
Transferring a windows application onto iPad via xcode can be a daunting task. Partially it will depend on how you coded your windows app. If you used HTML5, there is an elegant overlay called Baker Framework which integrates HTML5 directly into xcode. I used it with great success to develop my first iPad App. You can look up Baker Framework on Google.

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