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New to iPad, new mini setup questions


iPF Noob
OK, I'm new to iPads and have some setup questions/ what is the best way to do what I want to do.

I told setup no to iCloud, and went through the rest and am up and running. So the first question is do I need iCloud for what I want to do?

I want to use the Beechcraft app to access our aircraft manuals from their app. I also want to push my PDF's for my 65 Pontiacs manuals and my antique radio information (on my PC). So do I install the Beechcraft app from the app store (yes) and then how do I push the PDF's for the cars and radios to the iPad? Do I put iTunes on the PC and use it to sync the data, knowing that my information is secure on the PC and its backups? Do I have a use for iCloud with what I want to do?

I'm sure this is simple to the n'th degree (most things Apple are, do the obvious and it works out), but it seems like a good idea to ask first before jumping in. :)
To place your PDFs from your computer to your iPad, there are a few ways I have done it.

Sometimes I will email the PDF to myself and then save it to iBooks.

Or, you can use apps such as Dropbox which is installed on your computer and your iPad. On your computer, you can slide your files to Dropbox. Then, once you turn on your ipad and it connects to your wifi--your Dropbox app will update and sync your files. It will then show up on your iPad in that app.

I am sure others will have other ideas to give you, but this is a start.

By the way, I do use iCloud to back up my iPhone and iPad when I charge it at night. However, I also do a monthly back up to iTunes by connecting it to my computer using the USB cable for added protection. The Dropbox app has its own cloud storage, so no worry on iCloud there.

Skimonkey ~~ sent from my iPad using iPF
Skimonkey, thanks for the quick reply. I'm getting used to the mini and all I can say is "This thing is cooler than F#$%".

I've loaded all the tech data we subscribe to from Beechcraft. And all my Riders manuals (antique radio service information for about everything made from 1928 to the mid 1950's). Also all my tech data I have in PDF format for 1965 Pontiac's. Another gig or so of music and still have 8 gigs left over on a 16 gig mini.

But I have 2 issues to resolve. Even though I can organize the PDF's for the cars and the radios into collections on the iPad, in iTunes for windows all the pdf's are in a bunch, and it is a bit of a issue to see whats there. Even though there is a file...import folder in iTunes, it does nothing, so I have a books, pdf window that has everything in it. :( Also I have 1 pdf file that won't open in iBooks, it says it has to be read in acrobat 8 or later. I installed the Acrobat reader app on the mini, but cant figure out how to open the file from iBooks into acrobat.....

The coolest thing I've figured out so far is the sync over WiFi. if I have iTunes running on the PC and come home, as soon as I plug in the mini to the charger, it takes it as an "iPad is home" signal and sync's it without any intervention on my part. A backup still takes manual intervention, and it will still sync if I don't plug it into the charger, but the act of plugging it into the charger seems to kick start the sync. Cool.
Skimonkey, thanks for the quick reply. I'm getting used to the mini and all I can say is "This thing is cooler than F#$%".

I've loaded all the tech data we subscribe to from Beechcraft. And all my Riders manuals (antique radio service information for about everything made from 1928 to the mid 1950's). Also all my tech data I have in PDF format for 1965 Pontiac's. Another gig or so of music and still have 8 gigs left over on a 16 gig mini.

But I have 2 issues to resolve. Even though I can organize the PDF's for the cars and the radios into collections on the iPad, in iTunes for windows all the pdf's are in a bunch, and it is a bit of a issue to see whats there. Even though there is a file...import folder in iTunes, it does nothing, so I have a books, pdf window that has everything in it. :( Also I have 1 pdf file that won't open in iBooks, it says it has to be read in acrobat 8 or later. I installed the Acrobat reader app on the mini, but cant figure out how to open the file from iBooks into acrobat.....

The coolest thing I've figured out so far is the sync over WiFi. if I have iTunes running on the PC and come home, as soon as I plug in the mini to the charger, it takes it as an "iPad is home" signal and sync's it without any intervention on my part. A backup still takes manual intervention, and it will still sync if I don't plug it into the charger, but the act of plugging it into the charger seems to kick start the sync. Cool.

Looks like you are getting around pretty good with your iPad mini!

Regarding that PDF that you are trying to open, try to email that again to yourself. When you try to open it, it will give you options if "Open in"....your acrobat reader should be included in your selections.

See if that helps.

Ski ~ iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator

Skimonkey ~~ sent from my iPad MINI using iPF
I found a great app that let's you create folders and drag n drop files in them like
PDF files ,checkout Documents by readdle,
Works great and has a great PDF reader as well
Also supports wifi transfers as well as Dropbox and others.

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