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New to the iPad and loving it!


iPF Noob
I got my iPad this past Monday as a birthday (55) gift from my wife. To be honest, she wanted it almost as much as I did. Two years ago we finally gave up on all Windows products and we got a MacBook and loved its ease of use and lack of annoying and constant updates (especially the constant downloads of virus definitions that seemed to take forever). We previously had an iPod so we were not completely Apple less and then last year I got an iPhone (which has been fantastic). When the iPad came out, I wondered if we really needed it. After all, the MacBook was great and portable. But after reading the reviews and what users said about the iPad, I was intrigued. Then when I saw all the great apps, I knew we would get one.

Well it's been almost a week and I don't know what we waited so long. It is great! Everynight after work, it is basically used until bedtime and I have been getting less sleep since I've been staying up way too late using it. My wife plays Plants vs Zombies for 1-2 hours and then apologizes for dominating the iPad ( she loved the game on my iPhone). She hasn't really used it for much else but I am planning on a little training session for her one of these nights (after that, we may have to get another iPad!). I've used it for most everything I use my MacBook for. In addition, there's the great iPad only apps
(e.g., I cook a lot so I love Paprika- great recipe app).

Enough said, I look forward to reading the posts of other members of the website for tips and app suggestions.
Hi, it made me smile reading your post...because my husband and i also got our ipads a few months ago. my husband got mine as a birthday present, then he got his as a christmas present (any excuse to get one). We never looked back since we got them. We both have fun using our ipad even when we are in bed...needless to say we both are not getting enough sleep these days. We also take them when we go out. We are very happy with our ipad 2. Have fun with yours!
Hello and Welcome to the forum! This is a great place filled with many wonderful people ready to help you. Remember the search feature, it will become your best friend! Here are a few links that may prove useful to you!

We also have our own App - Its pretty easy to use.

We have an iPad manual available for download incase you ever need it.

Here are a couple links that may prove useful.

Everyone has to play by the rules, please make sure you read and follow them.

We hope you enjoy your time here!
Hi and welcome to the Forum!

I very much enjoyed your intro and I must say that we all feel the same way. Enjoy!

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