I've had my Nano and an iPod classic for years but never had the umption to "refresh" them with new music. It just seemed too tedious and confusing, (plus I figured it to be a passing fad like 8 tracks, cassettes, beta max, walkman's, etc., all of which I remember getting equally giddy about, lol). My husband bought me this iPad 2 about a month ago and it's taken me this long to figure out what a forum was and how to post (I hope I'm doing it right). I don't personally know anyone else that has an iAnything. Hence, I have to go looking for info just to figure out even the simplest tasks. Thank goodness I found this forum. To those who opt to take the time to help others, you have my sincerest appreciation. I'm looking forward to "meeting" and "chatting" with others like myself (technologically stumped) and learning about this fancy new iWorld. Thanks to you all, this old dog will learn new tricks!