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Newbie needs help

Can anyone tell me how to add more than one picture to an email?

Thanks a bunch in advance!

Go to the picture album of your choice, or camera roll on the iPad.
Then in the menu across the very top of the screen tap onto edit.
You should see a greyed out "share" option appear at the left end of the menu.
Tap on the photos you want to email. A tick on a blue background appears on each selected photo. Chose upto 5 max for mailing.

Tap share. The email form appears for you to complete and email the photos.


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Now, I suggest that one of the first things you do is to read the forum rules etc. Links to useful sections follow :-

The forum rules may be found here.

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Try these informative threads from which you will learn many tips and shortcuts for the IPad.

Most importantly, enjoy your time with us on the forums.

Then I recommend you use the forum search function to find threads to visit, read and ask questions there. This way, you should get a good response. :)

If you have any questions or comments please don't be afraid to post.

Thank you, and welcome aboard.

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