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Help With Upgrade

Just joined the Forum in the hopes of finding help. I have been trying to upgrade my ipad2 to the new 5.0.1 but having issues with it. Where should I look for help? Thanks, Lizzie

I have been trying to upgrade from 4.3.3 to the new 5.0.1 but initially it kept failing saying the ipad disconnected. Now after rebooting the computer and ipad I keep getting a Back up error (0xE800400B) and I can't get beyond that. So frustrating! How do I solve this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Well, IMNSHO, you've come to the right place for help.

If you could give specific details on what exactly is - or is not - happening when you try to install iOS 5.0.1. Once we know the details, I'm sure we can help.

Oh, and I've moved this post to the Help section, where a lot of helpful people hang out. Good luck.

Great! Thank you.
OK - let me see if I can give you a fuller explanation. I am connecting to a PC running Windows Vista. When I connect it syncs to the computer and says there are purchased items on the ipad that need to be transferred to the library so I select the option to do that. It begins but never completes the process - I get a pop up saying the ipad is not connected. I also get a Windows pop up saying Windows Mobile is not working correctly (what does that have to do with the ipad?). Then I get a pop up saying new software is available and would I like to install it? So I select that option and it begins the process of backing up the ipad and that's when I get the error message that I mentioned earlier. I downloaded the Service Pack 3 for Windows Vista overnight but I haven't tried connecting to iTunes today yet to see if that made any difference.
Okay, I will try not to run away after you mentioned you have a Vista machine... :D

Couple things to check: Do you have the latest iTunes running (10.5)? If not, download that (from the Apple site) - with the iPad disconnected. Then try again.

If you have the current iTunes, try going in and deleting the current backup (File > Preferences > Deviced). After it's deleted, try making another.

See if any of the two above makes any difference. If so, yay. If not, we'll try something else.

Sorry about that - Vista is a pain, isn't it?.
OK - I have iTunes up to date with the latest release, but when I click on the File tab (upper left hand corner) there is no option under the drop down menu for Preferences. What does that indicate?
It indicates that I've sent you to the wrong place (sorry - I was trying to do it from memory). My bad.

Try doing Edit > Preferences > Devices > delete [iPad] backup. See if deleting that backup helps alleviate the problem.

Else, come on back ... there's still more troubleshooting we can do...

OK I deleted the back up and tried again and got the same error message as before. Interestingly, I just got a new iphone (4g) and it came with the ios 5.0.0 on it and when I synced that it suggested that I download the new ios 5.0.1 and that doesn't work either! Could the problem be in my itunes even though I recently downloaded the most up to date version? If I were to uninstall itunes and reinstall it would I loose everything on my devices?

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