I am a first time owner of an iPad since my delivery on the launch date. I would like some advice though please because as a newbie, I am puzzled as to how the iPad fits in to a photography workflow.
I intend to use my new iPad as part of my photography workflow with the aim of:
1) loading images from Aperture 3 on my iMac to sort, rate and keyword them on my iPad either in the comfort of my living room or when away for weekends etc.
2) when away from home, load images directly onto my iPad from my Nikon D700 and D5100 with the camera connection kit (I know I need to use a cable for my D700) to review, sort, rate and keyword them, plus edit a select few for sharing via email, Flickr etc before returning home. I would then like to be able to import these images back into Aperture with them already keyworded and rated for serious raw post-processing and so on.
I always shoot raw, however, I am getting confused about what I actually need to do to in order to achieve my above aims. Do I need to shoot raw and jpeg in order to keep my raw images untouched on my iPad (but still be viewable and rateable) to then import them into Aperture later, or will the iPad read the embedded jpeg files within the raw images anyway?
If I use an app like PixelSync or Sort Shots to keyword and rate my images on the iPad, will these transfer with the raw files back to Aperture? Or if I have to shoot raw and jpeg, will they just relate to the jpeg images as they were the ones my iPad was showing and not the raw files?
If I edit some of my images on the iPad with either Filterstorm, Snapspeed or iPhoto (all of which I have due to my iPhone) to then share them, does that mean that the raw images remain untouched and 'raw' so-to-speak because I am actually working on the embedded jpeg files and editing those instead? I don't want to screw up my raw files so I can't then import them into Aperture in their raw state for post-processing. I would like them to be rated and keyworded by the time I import them into Aperture though.
I apologise for asking what may seem to be stupid questions, but the more I read up on this, the more confused I am as to how the iPad treats images, especially raw files, so I can't work out whether my aims are achievable or not.
I don't expect miracles in terms of editing full raw files on my new iPad as I realise it doesn't have the oomph of a MacBook Pro or Air running Aperture. I initially considered holding out for the forthcoming upgraded versions of those but opted for an iPad instead as I would get more day-to-day use out of the iPad for everything else except photography rather than carrying around a laptop, especially as I already have an iMac. I really want my iPad to serve as a stepping stone in my photography workflow for performing tasks like rating and keywording that I often don't get round to doing, as I don't like to shut myself away in my study from the rest of the household. Plus I want to be able to do this when away for weekends in the caravan etc and share some of my best images with family and friends before I return home. Am I asking too much of my iPad?
Thanks for your advice.
I am a first time owner of an iPad since my delivery on the launch date. I would like some advice though please because as a newbie, I am puzzled as to how the iPad fits in to a photography workflow.
I intend to use my new iPad as part of my photography workflow with the aim of:
1) loading images from Aperture 3 on my iMac to sort, rate and keyword them on my iPad either in the comfort of my living room or when away for weekends etc.
2) when away from home, load images directly onto my iPad from my Nikon D700 and D5100 with the camera connection kit (I know I need to use a cable for my D700) to review, sort, rate and keyword them, plus edit a select few for sharing via email, Flickr etc before returning home. I would then like to be able to import these images back into Aperture with them already keyworded and rated for serious raw post-processing and so on.
I always shoot raw, however, I am getting confused about what I actually need to do to in order to achieve my above aims. Do I need to shoot raw and jpeg in order to keep my raw images untouched on my iPad (but still be viewable and rateable) to then import them into Aperture later, or will the iPad read the embedded jpeg files within the raw images anyway?
If I use an app like PixelSync or Sort Shots to keyword and rate my images on the iPad, will these transfer with the raw files back to Aperture? Or if I have to shoot raw and jpeg, will they just relate to the jpeg images as they were the ones my iPad was showing and not the raw files?
If I edit some of my images on the iPad with either Filterstorm, Snapspeed or iPhoto (all of which I have due to my iPhone) to then share them, does that mean that the raw images remain untouched and 'raw' so-to-speak because I am actually working on the embedded jpeg files and editing those instead? I don't want to screw up my raw files so I can't then import them into Aperture in their raw state for post-processing. I would like them to be rated and keyworded by the time I import them into Aperture though.
I apologise for asking what may seem to be stupid questions, but the more I read up on this, the more confused I am as to how the iPad treats images, especially raw files, so I can't work out whether my aims are achievable or not.
I don't expect miracles in terms of editing full raw files on my new iPad as I realise it doesn't have the oomph of a MacBook Pro or Air running Aperture. I initially considered holding out for the forthcoming upgraded versions of those but opted for an iPad instead as I would get more day-to-day use out of the iPad for everything else except photography rather than carrying around a laptop, especially as I already have an iMac. I really want my iPad to serve as a stepping stone in my photography workflow for performing tasks like rating and keywording that I often don't get round to doing, as I don't like to shut myself away in my study from the rest of the household. Plus I want to be able to do this when away for weekends in the caravan etc and share some of my best images with family and friends before I return home. Am I asking too much of my iPad?
Thanks for your advice.