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Newbie question - photography workflow


iPF Noob

I am a first time owner of an iPad since my delivery on the launch date. I would like some advice though please because as a newbie, I am puzzled as to how the iPad fits in to a photography workflow.

I intend to use my new iPad as part of my photography workflow with the aim of:

1) loading images from Aperture 3 on my iMac to sort, rate and keyword them on my iPad either in the comfort of my living room or when away for weekends etc.

2) when away from home, load images directly onto my iPad from my Nikon D700 and D5100 with the camera connection kit (I know I need to use a cable for my D700) to review, sort, rate and keyword them, plus edit a select few for sharing via email, Flickr etc before returning home. I would then like to be able to import these images back into Aperture with them already keyworded and rated for serious raw post-processing and so on.

I always shoot raw, however, I am getting confused about what I actually need to do to in order to achieve my above aims. Do I need to shoot raw and jpeg in order to keep my raw images untouched on my iPad (but still be viewable and rateable) to then import them into Aperture later, or will the iPad read the embedded jpeg files within the raw images anyway?

If I use an app like PixelSync or Sort Shots to keyword and rate my images on the iPad, will these transfer with the raw files back to Aperture? Or if I have to shoot raw and jpeg, will they just relate to the jpeg images as they were the ones my iPad was showing and not the raw files?

If I edit some of my images on the iPad with either Filterstorm, Snapspeed or iPhoto (all of which I have due to my iPhone) to then share them, does that mean that the raw images remain untouched and 'raw' so-to-speak because I am actually working on the embedded jpeg files and editing those instead? I don't want to screw up my raw files so I can't then import them into Aperture in their raw state for post-processing. I would like them to be rated and keyworded by the time I import them into Aperture though.

I apologise for asking what may seem to be stupid questions, but the more I read up on this, the more confused I am as to how the iPad treats images, especially raw files, so I can't work out whether my aims are achievable or not.

I don't expect miracles in terms of editing full raw files on my new iPad as I realise it doesn't have the oomph of a MacBook Pro or Air running Aperture. I initially considered holding out for the forthcoming upgraded versions of those but opted for an iPad instead as I would get more day-to-day use out of the iPad for everything else except photography rather than carrying around a laptop, especially as I already have an iMac. I really want my iPad to serve as a stepping stone in my photography workflow for performing tasks like rating and keywording that I often don't get round to doing, as I don't like to shut myself away in my study from the rest of the household. Plus I want to be able to do this when away for weekends in the caravan etc and share some of my best images with family and friends before I return home. Am I asking too much of my iPad?

Thanks for your advice.

Sorry, I forgot to mention that I also have PhotoSync on my iPad too although haven't used it yet. Would it be better to use this to transfer images to an from my iMac rather than iTunes?
iTunes optimizes photos for viewing on the iPad. It is ok for creating albums to show your friends, or creating resources that other apps can use (like Pages, Keynote, or iMovie), but you won't want to use it as part of your main photography workflow.

I'm afraid I don't know enough to make recommendations on the rest of your questions. There are a couple other members here who have been using their iPad as part of their photography hobby (or pro, for all I know). Hopefully they will see the thread and chime in.

All I can say is that there are apps, at least a few, that deal with RAW files. But they tend to be limited. With the advent of the new iPad perhaps they will get more powerful.
Hi Pen,
I am currently thinking about the same as you are. Yesterday I got my new ipad 3 and think about leaving my Macbook Pro at home when travelling to the U.S. for three weeks in July.

So I too am looking for:
  1. get RAW images off the CF card from my Canon DSLR into the iPad
  2. review the images there, delete the ones that are crap
  3. having an iPad App to process the RAW in a way that afterwards Aperture on my Mac can read the finished files and store the images, but possibly also further process/enhance the pictures
I am afraid the hard part is number 3. We need to have an app that can store processed and edited RAW files in a way that Aperture 3 on the Mac can handle. So far I have come across a couple of apps (e. g. Snapseed) that can edit RAWs, but only to produce JPEG to post these on one the social media sites or via E-Mail.

So currently my best bet would be to not use a specific photo editing app on the iPad at all, but just use the built-in Photo app to review/delete the worse ones, thus also freeing up some space on the iPad, and when I return from the trip move the remainder of the files (the good ones) to Aperture in order to process them. Snapseed or even iPhoto for iPad look tempting, but I am afraid in the end these won't contribute to the solution.

Anyone who has hints how number 3 can be achieved would be nominated for a new category of Nobel Prize ;-) At least if someone would ask me...
We wanted to accomplish pretty much the same thing, except for use in lightroom instead of aperture; however, no luck finding that magical missing app. Just the same, we recently took a month long trip to europe with just the ipad. We transfered the pictures from our camera to the ipad using the camera connection kit, sorted and culled through them on the ipad, then transfered them to a goflex satellite hard drive for backup. Even though we couldn't edit them on the ipad, it was still a great addition to the workflow because the amazing resolution on the new ipad made viewing the images a pleasure, and the ease of deleting the bad pictures made it a fast and easy way to cull through thousands of pictures.
Thanks for sharing your experience.

I'd like to emphasize your last step, saving the photos back off the iPad (by whatever means) immediately after the culling and sorting. I've seen to many posts about vacationers trusting the iPad as their only storage, only to come home, make one small mistake, and lose the entire vacation's worth of photos.
Backup to GoFlex Satellite how?

Hi, can I ask how you did the backup to your Seagate Goflex satellite wifi drive? I too was on a recent trip to Europe and managed to do this by physically connecting the iPad and Goflex drive both to a PC via USB and then using Windows Explorer to drag the photo files from the iPad to the Goflex. This took quite some time but must have been quicker than using any wifi connection. I am now home and have managed to get these files onto my desktop. While this process worked it is a bit awkward. I had been hoping the update to app Photosmith v2 would alow me to backup to the Goflex but the author's of this app are still solving problems with this feature. :)
Now that is interesting

In order to transfer pictures over to the goflex, I had to replace the firmware on the hard drive, which was a relatively simple download and install from Version 2.5 Hack Seagate Satellite. I then just use the app photosync and it transfers the pictures quite quickly over the hard drive's wifi network.

Parapet, now that is interesting.... I have been waiting for Photosmith v2 to deliver a 'backup to goflex satellite' functionality but, as yet, they haven't delivered (although the developers say they are working on it and hope to deliver in the near future). Have not used this app much yet for this very reason... also I understand it does not allow you to delete/cull images directly.

Is this a possible best workflow practice:
  1. capture in RAW (or RAW+JPG) and use connection kit to shift images from camera to iPad
  2. review the images there using Photos (or iPhoto maybe?) and delete the unwanted ones
  3. use Photosmith to rate/add keywords
  4. backup RAW files in a way that afterwards Adobe Lightroom can read on a desktop (Mac/PC)
That workflow would probably work. What I do now is when I travel, I transfer to iPad using the connection kit, view and delete in the native photos app, then use photosync to transfer to goflex. When I get home I transfer the pictures from the goflex to my computer and import into Lightroom. When I am at home I do the same steps, just skipping the goflex step.

What I'm trying to achieve is similar but should be easier to do. But I still can find a apps that would do the job correctly.

With my DSLR I can save raw on the compact flash and jpeg on a SD card.

I would like to browse the jpeg directly from the SD card without transfering the picture on the iPad. I want to view them full screen and be able to delete the one that are bad on the SD card. When I get what I need I can download the jpeg I like and kept on my computer at home and use the raw image only when needed for adjustments via lightroom or aperture. I'm a casual shooter and don't want to work on all my picture. Only a select few.

So far I try with photo smith 2 without success.
I tried with Ifile but find out it work only on jailbreak iPad (won't go that route)
Seem possible with wifi SD card but don't have that.

The photo on the iPad let me see what's on the card but only in small thumbnail. To small to make a decision.
bgosselin said:
I would like to browse the jpeg directly from the SD card without transfering the picture on the iPad. I want to view them full screen and be able to delete the one that are bad on the SD card. When I get what I need I can download the jpeg I like and kept on my computer at home and use the raw image only when needed for adjustments via lightroom or aperture. I'm a casual shooter and don't want to work on all my picture. Only a select few.

So far I try with photo smith 2 without success.
I tried with Ifile but find out it work only on jailbreak iPad (won't go that route)
Seem possible with wifi SD card but don't have that.

The photo on the iPad let me see what's on the card but only in small thumbnail. To small to make a decision.

As far as I've been able to find out, to do what you want with the full screen preview you have to jailbreak your iPad. Even the eyefi sd cards just transfer the pictures over - no live preview. But it doesn't take too long to transfer the pictures to your iPad and photosync should transfer them to your computer pretty easily from your iPad as well.
I'm lazier than all of you LOL I'm a long time Lightroom (and Photoshop) user but gave up carrying a laptop for travel several years ago. I carry a number of big SD cards, transfer all my files to the Ipad while traveling, process the ones I want to share by email or Flickr/Pbase, but when I get home I just transfer to my PC built for photo processing directly. I've tried other ways but this is so easy--the one thing the OP wanted--to cull and/or organize while traveling--I found I can do that so much more effificiently while uploading to Lightroom but on the Ipad I can also save to an album after processing in one of several apps I like--if only temporarily. No reason to shoot RAW + jpeg. All the apps I use deal fine with RAW--I like Leonardo which is interesting with PS like layer ability, Snapseed, Photogene and I had liked Filterstorm but just added the new Filterstorm Neue-a very powerful processing app.

I do have several transfer apps which work pretty well but are a lot slower than just uploading from the cards to the PC directly. With the 128 GB Air processing is fun and relatively quick--esp. when I think of when the first photo processing apps appeared for the Ipad One--and even the Three.

Just a thought if you want to use one of the apps that has the ability to make selections or layers--I use an Adonit Jot Classic (non BT)stylus but I have used a big Wacom tablet for years so working on the Ipad similarly is comfortable.

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I'm lazier than all of you LOL I'm a long time Lightroom (and Photoshop) user but gave up carrying a laptop for travel several years ago. I carry a number of big SD cards, transfer all my files to the Ipad while traveling, process the ones I want to share by email or Flickr/Pbase, but when I get home I just transfer to my PC built for photo processing directly. I've tried other ways but this is so easy--the one thing the OP wanted--to cull and/or organize while traveling--I found I can do that so much more effificiently while uploading to Lightroom but on the Ipad I can also save to an album after processing in one of several apps I like--if only temporarily. No reason to shoot RAW + jpeg. All the apps I use deal fine with RAW--I like Leonardo which is interesting with PS like layer ability, Snapseed, Photogene and I had liked Filterstorm but just added the new Filterstorm Neue-a very powerful processing app. I do have several transfer apps which work pretty well but are a lot slower than just uploading from the cards to the PC directly. With the 128 GB Air processing is fun and relatively quick--esp. when I think of when the first photo processing apps appeared for the Ipad One--and even the Three. Just a thought if you want to use one of the apps that has the ability to make selections or layers--I use an Adonit Jot Classic (non BT)stylus but I have used a big Wacom tablet for years so working on the Ipad similarly is comfortable. Diane

You do realize that every RAW file has a jpg in it with your camera settings? Scott Kelby told me about an awesome program for windoze that will extract the jpg out of the RAW file super fast. Since I started using that, I always shoot in RAW exclusively.

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