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Newbie saying hi and needs help with iTunes


iPF Noob
Hi all, new to the forum. Love my IPad. I do all he tech stuff in my family. God help us! Finally trying to sort out old iTunes account. New apple ID for new iTunes but trying to find a way round not being able to merge. I can see my old account but can't get the music onto my new iPad which has a different apple I'd to my old account. Can you set up two iCloud's on one iPad?
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No, unfortunately, the iPad is a one Apple ID kind of thing. You have to log out of one on the iPad and then log in with the other. This is what you have to do to download stuff that's under one ID and not the other. If you didn't do this, you would have to pay again as Apple considers those IDs to be simple entities. There's no sharing among IDs. This includes updating apps.

As you can tell, it's a pain. If you don't have anything (or much) purchased on the new ID, I'd just go back to the old one and use it. That way, everything stays under one and you don't have to do the constant switcheroo.

Hi Dack...I see that Mickey330 has provided you with a very good piece of information here to get you on your way. Hope you enjoy your stay with us!

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If you have not done so, please take a look at the iOS 5.0 and 5.1:
Connecting to the iTunes Store.
iTunes - Books - iPad User Guide for iOS 5.1 by Apple Inc.

Finally, please read the rules!

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