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Newbie with questions...


iPF Noob
Have my iPad two months, love it but have some questions:

- Is it true that almost all iPhone apps can be used on the iPad (first generation)?

- Someone recommended an app to me - the iPhone app and the iPad app appear to be identical from their description, right down to the version 1.0.5, yet the iPhone app costs $.99 while the iPad app costs $4.99. Any reason for the difference?

Welcome, from Cali! I am not sure on your questions ~ but I do know in iTunes when you view apps, if they have a + next to them, they are for both the iPhone and the iPad.

Others can chime in!
Generally, the apps that are for the Ipad will fit the screen of the Ipad, and look much better on the Ipad. Even though you can "upscale" the Iphone app to fit the screen the resolution is not as great.

As far as the price difference??? I am somewhat new as well. What app are you looking at? Maybe because the Ipad is bigger???j/k

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Someone recommended the Pictureka app. The purchase page in the iTunes app store is identical for both the iPad app and the iPhone app, same version 1.0.5 as well. The iPad app costs 5x the cost of the iPhone app. Curious.
From looking over the app, I know the Ipad app is $4 more. If you don't have an iphone I would spring for the $4 more and get it so that you and your friend could enjoy on the full screen. I may be worth the $4.

Let's see if anyone else chimes in that has played this app.

Yeah they usually charge more for the iPad, HD, version.. graphics and such.. some companies are better and make a version All for One... same price same purchase point of sale same download. So you can buy one app and use on either product with the best rendering for whichever is in use.
Thanks for your replies. I'm all for businesses turning a profit but I'm having a difficult time accepting that the iPad app in question is a 500% improvement over the very same app for the iPhone, thereby justifying 5x the price. Oh, well.:(

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