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iPF Noob
Hi there, was looking for a better way 2 do photo/music on iPad slideshow & wound up here, looks like a great
resource! Any ideas as slideshow doesn't seem 2 play more than 1 song & u r stuff with 1 transition:(:thumbsdown:
Anyways, glad 2 find this site, got the iPad 4 business purposesm2 as we r on the road a lot & now we can check email, surf, do pics & music etc. just luv it:D::thumbs::thumbs:
Hello dean...hang tight with your question. Hopefully as other members see your post that can offer up some help.

Also: Welcome to the iPadForum! This forum is loaded with invaluable information which contain topics including: General Discussion of the iPad, iPad Operating System, iPad App Store, Accessories, and Ipad for Business and Education.

The iPadForum also includes a Regional Ipad Group for international users across the world. This is a wonderful area to "find" members from your own country. See here:Regional iPad Groups

If you have not already done so, please take a moment to download the iPad Manual User Guide iOS 5. This is extremely helpful if you are new to the iPad world.

Finally, please take the time to read the Forum Rules:

Best Wishes and Enjoy!

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