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newby and technologically challenged


iPF Noob
So many questions--so few computer skills. Absolutely new to Ipad, loving th possibilities, curious why Steve Jobs prohibits creation of additional file folders under mail. Only 4 or so permitted/ 'Sup with that?

Also question about wht 'syncs' to what. I'd like to get my g-mail address onto my Ipad, but do I use the Ipad in Itunes of my Microsoft laptop? Know there's s simple answer, but pls remember i'm sufficiently computer illiterate that I require the simple directions. Pls consider using 'first push this', then
on that go to ...you all get the idea. Its' a wonderful 'gadget'. Glad i waited till version 2, and got the 'lots-of-memory' wi-fi version.
If you are using gmail then I would set up ms exchange. This way you get access to all your email folded, calendar and contacts.

Google something like ' iPhone gmail exchange' and you should find a step by step guide from google.

I have exchange set up on iPhone n iPad and it rocks!!
You can add extra folders, but it has to be done on the server's site, or from a desktop client.

Two ways to add Gmail. You can go into Settings >> Mail, Contacts, Calendars, choose accounts and add a GMail account. This works pretty well but is limited to your primary Google Calendar and won't sync contacts.

The other way is to set it up as an Exchange Account. That will sync contacts, and if you follow the last link in the instructions I'm linking, you can set up multiple calendars to sync.

Setting up Google Sync with your iOS device : Google Sync (ActiveSync) - Google Mobile Help
Yes. +1 for setting gmail up as an "exchange" account on the iPad. Has much better features than the "proper" way...

All you have to do to get it going is put "m.google.com" in the server address field and leave the domain blank when you set up the "Exchange" mail account. Easy as!

And welcome to the site!

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