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Newsstand sync


iPF Noob
Hello, I bought a magazine on my ipad 2 and I can't sync with my iphone. I try to go to restore but it says There were no purchases to restore. How can I sync my magazines between ipd and iphone????? Thanks

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Yes I do, it does not sync. I want to read on my iphone but cant

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Is the magazine in your iBooks App or the new Newsstand App? Assuming you have iCloud turned on for whichever app on both devices?

Also if it's in iBooks and iBooks is behaving like the Photos, Notes and other apps, apparently only items purchased or added after the iOS 5 upgrade are synced. Could that be the case?
That is odd then. If all iCloud/sync is turned on for both devices it should be on both devices. The only other thing I can think of is to go into your iTunes account's purchase history and either see if you can download it again or go ahead and report a problem.

I guess you could try restarting or resetting both devices...

iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Turning off and on (restarting) and resetting

Perhaps others will chime in with some additional ideas.

Best of luck and let us know how it goes.
I dont know why it is not syncing. I have tried everything and nothing works. The magazine does not update. The magazine is windows mag on my newsstand. I bought in the ipad to read on both devices and it is not working. Dont know what else to do.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I was looking though the various Newsstand offers, and I see quite a few reviews about bad updating and such. I don't think all the magazine providers (or Apple) have gotten all the bugs out of the service yet. The Official Windows Magazine app is pretty new, and I only see one review. They make take a couple issues to sort themselves out. You know, like waiting for the SP1 version.
The magazine is windows mag on my newsstand.
Well...there's your problem. Sorry couldn't resist. I think twerppoet is probably right, something to do with the magazine app itself. I'd try to contact the developer and see if they have any ideas.

Hope it works out. Best of luck and let us know how it goes!
I haven't been able to sync any of my newsstand purchases to my iPhone
If all of your settings on your iPhone are correct they should sync unless the magazine isn't compatible with (formatted for) both the iPad and the iPhone. You could try re-downloading your magazines directly to your iPhone to see if that will work.
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I am having the same problem. Purchased three issues of Mac Format on my iPad, but they are unavailable on my iPhone. When I try the 'Restore purchases' option on my phone, I am told that there is nothing to restore...most frustrating!
I am having the same problem. Purchased three issues of Mac Format on my iPad, but they are unavailable on my iPhone. When I try the 'Restore purchases' option on my phone, I am told that there is nothing to restore...most frustrating!
Per my post above, can you confirm that the publication is formatted for the iPhone? If not, it won't download. If it is I'd contact the publisher or Apple.
It is compatible on both. You download the magazine as you would any app, and then it gets moved into the Newsstand. Think I will contact Future Publishing and see if they have an answer....watch this space!!
hi, i've got the same problem. purchased two issues of two different magazines, computer arts & practical photoshop, the first on my iphone, the other on the ipad. now i can't get both devices to sync the magazines. the "previous purchases" of apples app store only include the magazine-apps, but not the contents! i can, obviously, install the magazine apps on both devices, but when i click on restore, there also is nothing to restore. and i also have icloud configuered on both iphone and ipad. strange and frustrating stuff.

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