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No "Device" Line Shows Up On Left Hand Pane in iTunes ?


iPF Noob

Still trying to figure out how to download photos from pc to ipad via wifi.

I pluged in the new ipad with the usb cable to pc.
Ipad is on

I opened up itunes (no difference if iTunes is running before the plug in for the following)

First thing that happens is that I get a msg:

The registry setting used by iTunes for importing and burning CD's and DVD's is missing
Please re-install iTunes

There was also another msg about some unsigned Driver, but disappeared before I could copy it down.
Using W7, 64 bit vers.

What are these all about, please ?

The other question I have is that I thought there should be a "DEVICE" listing coming up on the left
hand pane so you could configure it, and I guess do Sync. from here.

No Device line shows up on left. (iPad is plugged into PC via USB)

Why, please ?

Thanks again for help.
In my 70's now, and this "stuff" becomes a bit confusing.

BTW: can I do "everything" that is required to download photos from pc to iPad via wifi, or are some things
and configuring still require this usb plug in ?

Robert11 said:
Still trying to figure out how to download photos from pc to ipad via wifi.
I pluged in the new ipad with the usb cable to pc.
Ipad is on
I opened up itunes (no difference if iTunes is running before the plug in for the following)
First thing that happens is that I get a msg:
The registry setting used by iTunes for importing and burning CD's and DVD's is missing
Please re-install iTunes

There was also another msg about some unsigned Driver, but disappeared before I could copy it down.
Using W7, 64 bit
What are these all about, please ?
The other question I have is that I thought there should be a "DEVICE" listing coming up on the left
hand pane so you could configure it, and I guess do Sync. from here.
No Device line shows up on left. (iPad is plugged into PC via USB)
Why, please ?
Thanks again for help.
In my 70's now, and this "stuff" becomes a bit confusing.
BTW: can I do "everything" that is required to download photos from pc to iPad via wifi, or are some things
and configuring still require this usb plug in ?


As another newbie to iPad, Apple & the forum, same here! Have had all sorts of annoying stuff with iTunes (also have PC Win7 --and am 70 too ).
I have worked out now that it's much simpler to get the free app "Transfer" which is so straightforward that even a non- techie like me can work it without going anywhere near the control-freak iTunes.

Transfer just swaps photos / artwork either way (PC to iPad or vice versa). I bring the iPad to sit next to the PC but don't connect up with the USB. Make sure the wifi is on. Open the Transfer app on the iPad and it will open a page asking you to choose which direction you want to move stuff. Make a note of what it tells you to do, which will be to go to an address on your PC. You need to copy the address it gives you exactly, so be careful to get it right or it will go round the houses.

(I will go and do it now so that I can describe it correctly. Back soon.)
stranding said:
As another newbie to iPad, Apple & the forum, same here! Have had all sorts of annoying stuff with iTunes (also have PC Win7 --and am 70 too ).
I have worked out now that it's much simpler to get the free app "Transfer" which is so straightforward that even a non- techie like me can work it without going anywhere near the control-freak iTunes.

Transfer just swaps photos / artwork either way (PC to iPad or vice versa). I bring the iPad to sit next to the PC but don't connect up with the USB. Make sure the wifi is on. Open the Transfer app on the iPad and it will open a page asking you to choose which direction you want to move stuff. Make a note of what it tells you to do, which will be to go to an address on your PC. You need to copy the address it gives you exactly, so be careful to get it right or it will go round the houses.

(I will go and do it now so that I can describe it correctly. Back soon.)

Hi Robert
My apologies for being so tardy getting back to you. I imagine you have worked out things in the meantime with transferring photos? I rely on the Transfer app now for all my movings & find it invaluable. But there are many other ways & apps that others use.
From OP:


Thanks for all the help.
Sure is a lot to know.

Any ideas on how to transfer Videos, via wifi, from iPad to a Windows7 PC ?

Robert11 said:

Thanks for all the help.
Sure is a lot to know.

Any ideas on how to transfer Videos, via wifi, from iPad to a Windows7 PC ?


Yes, it is daunting when you have no idea what all the jargon words mean. It's a foreign language for me too :-)

I have no experience with transferring videos, sorry. But the same Transfer app indicates it can cope with videos too.

If you want to try, go to the "Help" at top right of the main page. Scroll down till you get to the video text & follow the instructions. They stress that you need to keep the Transfer app OPEN on the iPad, at the same time as opening the numbered web page they tell on your computer. They connect and work together if they are both open together. And almost instantaneously.

Reading it, it would seem just as straightforward as photos. In fact I will try it myself with a little clip I recorded with the iPad & let you know how it goes if you like.

Would like to say again that I'm a newbie with Apple. There are many experts on this forum who are really experienced. I'm just describing what has worked for me but there will be many other ways & different apps. I hope that if I get anything wrong, one of the experts will step in & put me right.

Good luck!

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