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no iTunes


iPF Noob
I have searched but not found a straight answer. I plan on using my new iPad ONLY to browse the Web. That is how I use all my netbooks. I am NOT interested in new apps or listening to music (as a serious audiophile I cannot stand listening to compressed music through lousy speakers). Is there a way to start my new iPad WITHOUT setting up iTunes? I do not want to load iTunes on my PC or give Apple my personal information. I just want to start the damn thing and browse the Web!
The ipad and iphone are designed around iTunes and having a PC to backup/activate/update. If your worried about your info go buy a gift card to open your itunes account with. Then you will be good to go.
The Apple store where I purchased my ipad from did that for me, just ask them to. I thought the same as you at the time. I have since installed itunes however.
Thanks for the reply Dannyboy85, but actually my biggest concern is downloading useless software on my already hardworking PC. As I mentioned before, there will be NOTHING to backup/activate/open as I will only use the iPAD to browse the Web. I'm not interested in anything else it can offer.
Thanks for the reply Dannyboy85, but actually my biggest concern is downloading useless software on my already hardworking PC. As I mentioned before, there will be NOTHING to backup/activate/open as I will only use the iPAD to browse the Web. I'm not interested in anything else it can offer.

You can go to the apple store and have then set it up. There is no stipulation saying you MUST have iTunes.... For browsing the web you should be fine. I do think in the end you'll break down and use it. But you are not forced.
Thanks for the reply Dannyboy85, but actually my biggest concern is downloading useless software on my already hardworking PC. As I mentioned before, there will be NOTHING to backup/activate/open as I will only use the iPAD to browse the Web. I'm not interested in anything else it can offer.

If you're activated at the Apple store and you're not worried about backing up and updating, then you're good to go with no PC, IMO.
The whole I will not download any apps is not going to last long. You also don't need iTunes to download apps you can do it right from the iPad itself.

Apple store will activate the iPad in the store for you if you ask them to, it only takes a few seconds. Aslo they can update the firmware for you later if you go in to the apple store. They will warn you about backing up your data and tell you it's best to do it on your home pc, but if you just say you don't care about the data or don't have a home pc they will upgrade it at the store for you.
I'm not interested in anything else it can offer.
Without iTunes, you will not be able to install any iOS operating system software updates when they become available.

Actually I asked about that at the apple store. They will install updates for you if you bring in your iPad. If you don't mind wasting your time going to an apple store every time there is an update rather than simply install iTunes you can do that. I seriously don't understand your aversion to iTunes tho.
I stand corrected on the issue of iOS upgrades through an Apple store. I knew they would activate an iPad, but did not know about upgrading. But if all he is planning on doing is surfing the web with Safari, then he really wouldn't have to worry about upgrading anyway.
Thanks all for your help. I will go to the Apple Store to have it started. Kind of a pain, though, as there is none close (I just checked). I would have bought a different tablet PC, but the iPad was a gift. I guess I can always sell it on e-bay!

I installed iTunes a couple of years ago on another PC when somebody gave my wife an iPod. I hated the whole experience, as I like open systems and iTunes is extremely restrictive. I ended up purshasing an iRiver for my wife and giving away the iPod. Not worth the trouble!
Thanks all for your help. I will go to the Apple Store to have it started. Kind of a pain, though, as there is none close (I just checked). I would have bought a different tablet PC, but the iPad was a gift. I guess I can always sell it on e-bay!

I installed iTunes a couple of years ago on another PC when somebody gave my wife an iPod. I hated the whole experience, as I like open systems and iTunes is extremely restrictive. I ended up purshasing an iRiver for my wife and giving away the iPod. Not worth the trouble!

Well for starters performance of iTunes has come leaps since a couple years ago...secondly...iTunes is closed...but it is closed to the device you need to use it on....so it is perfectly fit. You don't want to use it out of principal?
I can understand his reluctance to use iTunes, it's something I resisted for years until I bought my first iPad. It really is a bloated piece of software which is trying to do too many things at once, a bit like a microsoft prog :)

After using the iPad for several months I appreciate fast loading efficient programs and would love to see a stand alone backup restore program solely for the iPad. Small, fast and using drag and drop for items and directories.

That said I'm sure Apple are only too aware of the problem and will no doubt have something lined up for the next iteration.
I can understand his reluctance to use iTunes, it's something I resisted for years until I bought my first iPad. It really is a bloated piece of software which is trying to do too many things at once, a bit like a microsoft prog :)

After using the iPad for several months I appreciate fast loading efficient programs and would love to see a stand alone backup restore program solely for the iPad. Small, fast and using drag and drop for items and directories.

That said I'm sure Apple are only too aware of the problem and will no doubt have something lined up for the next iteration.

Well the big reason is because it was ported to windows...it is a part of Mac OSX and it works brilliantly on there. The latest windows version tho is very fast...

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