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Hi! I'm a professional illustrator/ sculptor in Central Ky. that wants to at least dabble in some digital art...I saw info on Procreate, and thought it looked cool...and hey, I don't need to buy a Wacom, I have an iPad. Found this forum in a Bing search just now.This looks like an awesome place to be. I will start off my new membership with a question. Is there a good, fine point Bluetooth stylus that is compatible with an iPad 2 ? I've been email chatting with the dev of ProCreate( fabulous guy!) who swears that he wants to help me successfully use that app on my iPad 2( this is according to him, possible)I was given a list of Bluetooth styli that work with this iPad, but with no guarantees of which ones will be successful. I saw this topic in search, but with no recent action. Any assistance would be awesome. This looks like a fun experiment, the app is $10. And if I decide to upgrade, I can bring it onboard. I had a freaking KindleFire for 5 years, and bought that model when it first came out, and paid way too much for it! I got this iPad to sync with my iPhone, and want to kick myself in the butt for ever having that KindleFire, this thing is my baby! I have 3 PCs, and generally only use them for scanning and cleaning up art. I run this pad hard, and it never complains...I'll stop gushing/ yakking now.
Hi! I'm a professional illustrator/ sculptor in Central Ky. that wants to at least dabble in some digital art...I saw info on Procreate....fine point Bluetooth stylus that is compatible with an iPad 2 ? ......Any assistance would be awesome......I got this iPad to sync with my iPhone.......I have 3 PCs, and generally only use them for scanning and cleaning up art.......

Hello and welcome to the forum! :) If interested, take a look at my travelogue on central Kentucky, a trip we made back in 2015 (Kentucky - Frankfort & Lexington - Horses & Bourbon!) - we're in Piedmont, NC - my wife takes guitar/ukulele lessons from a Master's graduate of the NC School of the Arts - he's from Louisville and went to Berea College (near you?).

In 2011, I bought the iPad 2, then an Air 2, and last December, the new 11" iPad Pro which I'm really enjoying and would be a great device for an artist, especially using the Apple stylus - if not already explored, take a look at this Article - hope that you have a great time here. Dave
None of the Bluetooth syluses are great. At least not compared the Apple Pencil. In my experience they all have noticeable delays, and tend to draw wavy lines on the diagonal. None of this is unworkable, but it seriously detracts from the experience.

I’ve used the EverNote verison of the Adontis Jot, and it was the best of a disapointing lot. The Pro version with the little disk on the end probably works best, or so the reviews would suggest.

Whatever you do, if you are serious about not getting an iPad Pro or current iPad with Apple Pencil support, never get a demo. You’ll never be satisfied with a Bluetooth stylus afterwards.
I intend to at least upgrade to a new iPad..... Honestly, if I could afford the pro, I would have bought it already, cool device! I was just curious, and will likely hold back for a while on the whole art program thing on here.
Hello and welcome to the forum! :) If interested, take a look at my travelogue on central Kentucky, a trip we made back in 2015 (Kentucky - Frankfort & Lexington - Horses & Bourbon!) - we're in Piedmont, NC - my wife takes guitar/ukulele lessons from a Master's graduate of the NC School of the Arts - he's from Louisville and went to Berea College (near you?).

In 2011, I bought the iPad 2, then an Air 2, and last December, the new 11" iPad Pro which I'm really enjoying and would be a great device for an artist, especially using the Apple stylus - if not already explored, take a look at this Article - hope that you have a great time here. Dave
Lexington is my hometown, interesting spot. Berea is in Willmore which is about 30 minutes away from here, and is a tiny community.Will most definitely go look at the travelogue. I love looking at my area from the perspective of a tourist, I get great ideas to share with friends that are visiting! When you are born in, and live in the location you get "used to it" and sometimes miss the more fun things you woul go see if it was a vacation. Thanks for the link. L
I intend to at least upgrade to a new iPad..... Honestly, if I could afford the pro, I would have bought it already, cool device! I was just curious, and will likely hold back for a while on the whole art program thing on here.

You can still get familiar with Procreate and the other art apps. They will work fine with your finger or a simple styluse. The lack of pinpoint accuracy can be compensated for by zooming in a bit more.

I’m not a professional atist, or even much of an amature one; but I like to doodle. I enjoyed doodling on the iPad long before the Apple Pencil was available. A lot of artists created amazing things on the iPad before the Pencil.

Just enjoy your new iPad, and see where it goes.
You can still get familiar with Procreate and the other art apps. They will work fine with your finger or a simple styluse. The lack of pinpoint accuracy can be compensated for by zooming in a bit more.

I’m not a professional atist, or even much of an amature one; but I like to doodle. I enjoyed doodling on the iPad long before the Apple Pencil was available. A lot of artists created amazing things on the iPad before the Pencil.

Just enjoy your new iPad, and see where it goes.
Thanks for the info. Any suggestions for drawing apps? Still really looking into Procreate, but other options are appreciated. I have several capacitive styluses as I use the iPad for my primary form of entertainment, and often have epoxy, paint, or other gunk on my hands... not cool with a touch screen! I also plan to run my square reader through my iPad for credit card payments this convention season , as it’s easier to sign the larger screen.... And I’m not handing my iPhone to strangers in a crowded art show. Makes me feel better. L
I have Procreate, but find the huge number of features so intimidating that I’ve only played with it a couple times. When I open it I feel like a guy who likes to whittle down sticks standing in the middle of a huge fabricaton shop. Where is the knife?

The one I tend to use the most these days is AutoDesk’s SketchBook. It has just about the right combination of features for me.

I sometimes use Adobe Sketch if I’m in the mood to rough out ideas, or iterate on them.

ArtRage is fun if you want to duplicate traditional medium and tools.

SketchClub is pretty powerful, but kind of chaotic. It has some interation and mirroring tools I haven’t seen anywhere else. It is also a social app/website for sharing art and art challenges. As a cronic dilettante, I occationally make an effort to improve my drawing skills. I spent a year or so playing in DrawQuest (no longer exisists) and SketchClub. It was fun.
Not interested in the social aspects of sketching, but the Autodesk, and Adobe sound pretty good. I would love to be able to rough out my sketches, or work on projects on the road, or in places where I can't or don't want to drag along paper and drawing tools. I have never ventured into actual digital art at this point, and I've been doing this professionally for 30 years. I have photoshop on my external hard rive and regardless of the PC I hook it into, I realize drawing with my mouse ain't gonna happen. Hopefully finding something that allows me to use my iPad and it's awesome screen instead of buying a Wacom, or similar would be a deal maker !MHO. THANKS! L

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