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"Not Charging" and other issues


iPF Noob
Hi All
I have an iPad 1
I have several issues that I do not understand.
Perhaps some of you can shed light.
1. When I plug in my iPad to a 12v charger I get a message (at battery icon) that says "not charging". What is the problem ? Why is it not charging ?
2. When the charge gets below 80% it seems to take "forever" to bring the charge back to 100%. What is up with this ?
3. Is there anyway to accelerate charging ?
Thanks for any help
The iPad will only charge 'properly' using the supplied iPad charger, which can supply 2.1A. Most other chargers are about 300mA (USB charger) and so the iPad displays 'Not charging' to alert you to this fact. As you've discovered, it does charge - albeit very slowly indeed. So only use the supplied iPad charger and that 'Not charging' message will go away and your iPad will charge quickly.

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Thanks for your reply.
I am using the Apple charger for 110v charging. Does anybody have a 12v charger that will do more than 300mv ?
rstan2001 said:
Thanks for your reply.
I am using the Apple charger for 110v charging. Does anybody have a 12v charger that will do more than 300mv ?

It may be a faulty charger, why not take it back and get it replaced?

Sent from my iPad using iPF
12v vs 110v Carge time, etc

It may be a faulty charger, why not take it back and get it replaced?

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I will once I know that the 12v charger is supposed to give more than 300ma charging.
BTW I used my Android cell phone charger 110v for the iPad and it worked quite well.
Thanks for your help
I bought a 12volt charger from a local supermarket that advertised that it was specifically a 2.1A charger for the iPad. I'm in the UK, so it's probably no use telling you where I bought it. But I just Googled "iPad 12 V charger" and a whole load came up - Amazon for example.

new2cinci said:
I need acar charger. I bought 2 diff ones & both say Not Charging when I hook up to cig lighter power. Suggestions?

The iPad draws more power than an iPhone to charge and this is probably where the problem lies. Either the cig lighter power doesn't have sufficient power or the chargers are more suited to an iPhone. Check your car manual to see what the cig lighter gives out. The stock iPad charger supplies up to 2.1A. It probably is charging but albeit very slowly and would take hours.

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leelai said:
The iPad draws more power than an iPhone to charge and this is probably where the problem lies. Either the cig lighter power doesn't have sufficient power or the chargers are more suited to an iPhone. Check your car manual to see what the cig lighter gives out. The stock iPad charger supplies up to 2.1A. It probably is charging but albeit very slowly and would take hours.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

Bummer. Appreciate your prompt & helpful reply tho.

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