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Notability vs. iDo Senior??


iPF Noob
I'm a 2nd yr grad student and am a big notetaker... I have been trying new note taking apps ever since I bought my iPad 2 last spring. Currently, my favs are Notability and iDo Senior. Long story short, I am at the stage of iPad life where I really just want to settle down and commit myself to on note taking app. You know, grow old together and share fond memories in rocking chairs and all that.

If anyone has tried these, which do you prefer?? Even if you only have had one, I'd like to hear if you still use it or have found a different better one and why!
Sound note is cool because u can record while u are taking notes and when ur done hit one of ur words and it goes back to the place in the recording. I imagine the mic is an issue at distance I've never read anyone discuss that.
I love notability, I was having the same issue as you are for a long time then found notability and delegated all the rest. It's a great app that lets me do pretty much everything I need to.
I think I'm going to stick with notability. I gave iDo a trial run this week and once I figured out what all the buttons meant and got the hang of it, I was thinking about deleting notability. However, I discovered when I tried to import a PDF and edit it, iDo would only let me see it in read-only form, which was frustrating. I checked out and notability and sure enough, it allowed me to do everything I needed to, as if I had typed the document myself.
I just realized something.. I am starting my internship soon and will have to take detailed case notes that must be password protected.. I can't find anywhere on notability to enable a password for certain folders.
From the main screen select your note >> choose Edit from the upper left corner>> then choose Gear icon which will appears just to the left of the note name>> there will be three options color, icon and Lock

Took me awhile to find it also

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I have both Apps and Notability is far superior. But....it frustrates me that when I do updates to the App, it rearranges some of my files and puts them in other Folders. This gets difficult when you have say, 30 Folders and 100 files. Finding the lost files and putting them in the correct Folders can be very time-consuming.

Also, Notability has thumbnails, which are very convenient for looking thru large documents.
iDo Senior does not have thumbnails....

As for iDo Senior, I really like the App, but it is not at all intuitive. it's hard to remember how to do simple tasks such as making Folders and moving files into them. I don't know how they managed to make it so difficult but it discourages me from using the App. It has some other glitches too, which the makers don't seem to quick to fix.
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