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Notes/Information Organizer


iPF Noob
I'm looking for a information organizer more or less like OneNote
Notes should be hierarchically organized, it should also store documents that could be linked in the note contents
It should also have a windows desktop app to view the same data (eventually synced to iCloud)
Both apps, desktop and iPad, should work offline too.

Any suggestions ?

May I ask why you don't go for OneNote? It is available for iPad/iPhone and Windows.
It fully syncs over skydrive - welcome NSA - but if you don't mind syncing over iCloud - again welcome big brother - than why not?


May I ask why you don't go for OneNote? It is available for iPad/iPhone and Windows.
It fully syncs over skydrive - welcome NSA - but if you don't mind syncing over iCloud - again welcome big brother - than why not?



I do not use OneNote because I believe that is part of office suite. And I do not use Microsoft Office at home, and at my office, Microsoft Office does not have OneNote...
Ah, I see, thanks. I thought you were unaware of the availability of OneNote for iOS.

As I use OneNote I have no alternative, sorry.


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