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Notion app times out in the middle of playing a piece I am working on


iPF Noob
I have a 32gig iPad 4 running Notion app. I am tearing my hair out because, when I am at a crucial stage of editing a piece of music, the screen suddenly goes blank and dumps me back into the home page. If I restart Notion it starts the piece at the beginning, not where I was editing. Then, no sooner do I get started, the same damn thing happens. Can anyone help PLEASE..

I'm assuming that Notion is RAM intensive, if so you might like to five finger swipe upwards on the screen to open the task bar, then touch and hold any app icon in that bar, when the minus signs appear close each app in turn. Then, try running Notion again, if that doesn't work my only other thoughts are is that it must be a software bug.

The Archangel
Thanks Gabriel1, I followed what you advised - sure enough the icons jiggled and a minus sign appeared. But I couldn't find a way to turn off each app. Sorry,I'm not at all familiar with the iPad's detailed use!

OldKen said:
Thanks Gabriel1, I followed what you advised - sure enough the icons jiggled and a minus sign appeared. But I couldn't find a way to turn off each app. Sorry,I'm not at all familiar with the iPad's detailed use!


Sorry, my bad explanation, you turn them off by tapping the minus sign for each one.

The Archangel
You were right Gabriel1. Notion technical support recommend replacing the app. This will require me to delete the faulty app. Is that a similar arrangement as turning one off?

Thank you for your help once again.

OldKen said:
You were right Gabriel1. Notion technical support recommend replacing the app. This will require me to delete the faulty app. Is that a similar arrangement as turning one off?

Thank you for your help once again.


To replace it do the following.....

On the main home screen touch and hold any app until they all start to wiggle. This time you will see a small cross in the corner, touch the cross on the corner of the Notion App and it will be deleted.....then press the home button to stop the rest of them wiggling.

You can then re-install the app for free.

The Archangel

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