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Numbered Lists in Pages or anything for that matter


iPF Noob
So I bought an iPad about a month ago with one of the goals to use it to take notes in meetings. When i take notes, I use a lot of number lists with indentions. Does anyone know a way to do this in Pages? I even bought a bluetooth keyboard to get a tab key to see if that would do it. My goal is to have the system automatically create the following:

1. Line One
a. subtext one
b. subtext two
2. Main point 2
a. subtext.

This is what pages does

1. line One
2. [tab] subtext one
3. [tab] subtext two
None that I know of. Nobody has really nailed the document edit app yet, either they're really ugly and/or they are missing a ton of features.
I dont have an answer to your specific question, but i also take notes and recently found and app called SoundNote. it records while you are taking notes and later if you need to listen to something you missed, you press on the typing and the recording plays from that point on. its aimed for classroom use, but i can see you using it in this application.

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