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Numbers, changing cell info on one sheet, changes cell on second sheet


iPF Noob
Hi All
I have moved a spread sheet across from excel, yes I am a happy convert, but I want o be able to replicate a simple invoicing system i set up on excel. There I was able to enter my invoice data on one sheet. From one line on the sheet, I was able to copy the data across to a second sheet that was set up as an invoice I could print fro my clients. The first sheet stayed as my accounts record, accumulating my records and eventually forming my records for tax purposes.
I can copy the information across on numbers manually, but I want to be able to enter the data onto one sheet, and it appear on the other automatically. I have tried copying the value, but it has not worked.

Thanks for any ideas
I've moved your post to the Help section of the Forum, with a permanent redirect, because I think it will get better notice there.

Go to the cell you want to replicate the data too.

Double tap on the cell to pull up the cell editor.

Choose the = sign to go into formula mode.

Choose the sheet tab that contains the original cell, then drag the screen around until you can see that cell. (when dragging best to avoid touching actual tables and cells if possible. It reduces the chance that you will accidentally pick the wrong cell)

Tab on the original cell.

You will see the cell description appear in the editor field. Format is Tab Name::Table Name::Cell example =(Sheet 1::Table 1::A1)

Tap on the green check mark to the right.

That's it. You can only enter data in the original cell. If you try to enter it into the destination cell you will overwrite the formula.
More about numbers, emailing one sheet only

Thanks for the advice. It works easily, but I do not understand why I could not find it the official help.
Next hurdle in this project is that I want to be able to email one sheet in the spreadsheet, not all sheets and tables. Any suggestions?
Well, not directly.

Here are some kludgy workarounds. One versatile but a lot of work. The second a pain, but probably ok looking. The third a real quick and dirty cheat, but probably good enough to send a quick chart to the boss or customer.


You can copy the tables and sheet elements you want, create a new document and paste them over, and mail that document.

To get the entire sheet, tap in a blank spot somewhere and choose Select All from the popup menu. No tap again on of the selected elements and choose copy. If you tap on a table, you need to tap on the little target circle at the upper left corner, otherwise it deselects the table. Very annoying.

You can also select only some of the elements on a sheet. Tap one element to select it, then tap and hold on that element while using another finger to tap the other elements you want to select. Copy them all the same was as before.

Now go back to the document list and create a new, blank document. Tap on the default table to select it, again on the upper left target to get the menu and delete the table.

Now tap anywhere on the blank sheet to get the Paste option. You may have to rearrange the elements a bit after.

Now you can mail that document with just that sheet.


Export to DropBox as a PDF. Re-import to one of the PDF editors that will let you delete pages, then email the page you want. Sorry, I don't remember what PDF programs let you edit pages, but I know there are at least a couple.


Arrange the view the way you want, then take a snapshot of the screen. You do this by briefly pressing the Home and Power button at the same time.

Use an App like Adobe Photoshop Express to rotate or crop the picture as needed. Then open it in the Photos app and mail it from there.

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